DDA 2014 Election Ballot

The 2014 Election for DDA Committee Persons, Vice-Chair, and Secretary is now open, and will close on 26 February, 2014.

You will need your AAS member login ID (which defaults to your membership number), and your password.

You should vote for three of the six candidates for Committee persons:


  • Matthew Tiscareno
  • Fernando Roig
  • Rachel Kuzio de Naray
  • Seth Jacobson
  • Paul Chodas
  • Kevin Walsh


  • Kelley Holley-Bockelman
  • Alan W. Harris


  • Sethanne Howard

The successful candidates will serve for:

  • 2 years; Committee Members
  • 1 year; Vice-Chair
  • 3 years; Secretary

Current time: Wednesday, 12 March 2025, 07:02:42 am EDT (-04:00 GMT)

Voting opened: Sunday, 23 February 2014, 11:59:59 pm EST (-05:00 GMT)
Voting closed: Monday, 17 March 2014, 11:59:59 pm EDT (-04:00 GMT)

The time has passed to vote on this ballot.

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  • Has general charge of the affairs of the Division
  • Reports the activities of the Division to the Council of the Society through the Chair or Secretary,
  • Sets an enrollment fee for new members, annual dues for all members, registration fees for meetings of the Division, or any combination of such fees and dues.
  • Meets at least once each year.
Term Elected For: 2014-2016
Currently Serving:

Please select up to 3 option(s).

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Matthew Tiscareno


Professional Title/Position

Senior Research Associate, Department of Astronomy, Cornell University

Degrees and Education

  • Ph.D. in Planetary Science, University of Arizona (2004)
  • B.S. in Planetary Science, California Institute of Technology (1998)

Research Areas, Topics, and Interests

  • Orbital and rotational dynamics of satellites and planets
  • Disk-moon dynamical interactions
  • Planetary rings
  • Orbital histories of Kuiper Belt and Trans-Neptunian Objects
  • Remote sensing for space projects
  • Missions to the outer solar system

Professional Experience and Positions

  • Senior Research Associate, Cornell University (2011–present)
  • Research Associate, Cornell University (2004–2011)

Candidate Statement

The DDA is a unique forum where people who study disparate phenomena using similar methods can share their common interests. In our collegial meetings with their longer timeslots, we have the freedom to develop a mathematical story for a like-minded yet inter-disciplinary audience.

On the DDA Committee, I will work to preserve our Division's unique character while promoting its diversity and adapting to our changing environment. I will work to strengthen our meetings as a place where dynamicists of all stripes are eager to attend, to learn about basics and new advances in other subfields as well as their own, and to look for commonalities across the subfields of dynamics. I have been active in community discussions of NASA's budget for missions and research, and I will work to strengthen our ties to the public and to other societies that are influencing public policy decisions about astronomy. Finally, I will work to expand opportunities for students and early-career dynamicists and to integrate them into our membership, as well as to wisely steward our resources so that we can maintain the quality of our efforts into the future.

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Fernando Roig


Professional Title/Position

National Observatory, Brazil

Degrees and Education

  • Ph.D. in Astronomy, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil (2001)
  • M.Sc. in Astronomy, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil (1997
  • B.S. in Astronomy, University of Cordoba, Argentina (1994)

Research Areas, Topics, and Interests

Asteroids dynamics, co-orbital motion

Services, Roles, and Activities

  • LOC Chair, 44th DDA Meeting, Brazil (2013)
  • SOC Member, XIV Latin American IAU Regional Meeting, Brazil (2013)
  • Head of the Postdoctoral Fellowship Program, National Observatory, Brazil (2013–present)
  • Secretary of the IAU Commission 7 (2009–present)
  • Sponsor-Committee Member, XXVII IAU General Assembly, Brazil (2009)
  • Dean of the Graduate Program, National Observatory, Brazil (2008–present)
  • SOC Member, COSPAR Capacity Building Workshop on Planetary Science, Uruguay (2007)
  • LOC Member, IAU Symposium 229: Asteroids, Comets, Meteors, Brazil (2005)
  • Committee Member/Chair, Spring Graduate School in Astronomy, National Observatory, Brazil (2004, 2006, 2008, 2012)
  • Committee Member/Chair, Brazilian Colloquium of Orbital Dynamics, Brazil (2004, 2006, 2010, 2012)

Professional Experience and Positions

  • Full Tenured Researcher, National Observatory, Brazil (2011–present)
  • Associate Researcher, National Observatory, Brazil (2004–2010)
  • Visiting Scientist, CASLEO, Argentina (2007)
  • Postdoctoral Fellow, National Observatory, Brazil (2002–2004)
  • Visiting Scientist, SwRI, USA (2001)
  • Lab Assistant, Cordoba Observatory, Argentina (1991–1995)

Candidate Statement

The DDA is one of the most important professional organizations in the field of dynamical astronomy, however its influence and sphere of action are still quite limited in scope to the USA, which is clearly reflected in the proportion of Americans vs. foreign associates. As a foreign member of the Committee, if elected, I hope to contribute to the strengthening of the international prominence of the Division, promoting actions aimed at the increase of non-US members, and the significant participation of researchers and students from other countries at the annual meetings. I also hope to make available to my experience in organizing the DDA 2013 meeting in Paraty, as well as several other events in South America, to contribute in improving the quality while reducing the costs of the Division annual meetings, as well as helping in the creation/organization of graduate level short schools sponsored by the Division.

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Rachel Kuzio de Naray


Professional Title/Position

Department of Physics & Astronomy, Georgia State University

Degrees and Education

  • B.S. Astronomy & Astrophysics, Penn State University (2001)
  • M.S. Astronomy, University of Maryland (2003)
  • Ph.D. Astronomy, University of Maryland (2007)

Research Areas, Topics, and Interests

Galaxy dynamics, kinematics of galaxy disks, structure of spiral galaxies, galaxy rotation curves and velocity fields, structure of dark matter halos

Professional Experience and Positions

  • Assistant Professor, Georgia State University (2013–present)
  • Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Case Western Reserve University (2012–2013)
  • Research Associate, Royal Military College of Canada (2010–2012)
  • NSF Astronomy & Astrophysics Postdoctoral Fellow, UC Irvine (2007–2010)

Written Biography

I am an observational astronomer with broad interests in cosmology and galaxy formation and evolution. I am interested in kinematic and photometric observations that will lead to a better understanding of the role of both the dark and luminous components of galaxies during the galaxy formation process. My research has an emphasis on dark matter-dominated low surface brightness galaxies and the unique constraints they can provide on dark matter and cosmological parameters.

Candidate Statement

The DDA brings together a diverse group of scientists that are linked by the common thread of dynamics. The atmosphere of our annual meetings is relaxed and friendly, helping to support an open dialogue between disciplines. If elected as a Committee member, I will work to encourage the active participation of scientists at different stages in their careers so that we build and maintain an enthusiastic membership.

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Seth Jacobson


Professional Title/Position

Postdoctoral Researcher, Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur

Degrees and Education

  • Ph.D. in Astrophysical and Planetary Sciences, University of Colorado, Boulder (2012)
  • M.S. in Astrophysical and Planetary Sciences, University of Colorado, Boulder (2010)
  • B.S. in Applied and Engineering Physics, Cornell University (2008)

Research Areas, Topics, and Interests

  • Small body science: multiple body systems, rubble pile physics
  • Celestial mechanics: tidal evolution, radiative forces
  • Planet formation: terrestrial planet formation, protoplanetary disk evolution

Professional Experience and Positions

  • Postdoctoral Researcher at Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur (2013–present)
  • Graduate Researcher at University of Colorado at Boulder (2008–2012)
  • Undergraduate Researcher at Cornell University (2006–2008)
  • Undergraduate Researcher at Carnegie Institution of Washington, DC (2006)

Candidate Statement

The Division on Dynamical Astronomy is a unique division in AAS due to its focus on process rather than content. It is a very diverse community, which is a strength--the DDA meeting is my favorite annual meeting, but also a weakness, when potential members/attendees are attracted to more content oriented meetings. I would work to address this in two parts: (1) by assuring that DDA meetings are kept affordable. This is particularly relevant for attracting early career scientists to the division. (2) By working to build focused sessions within the annual meeting, we deliver an extra reward to all attendees.

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Paul Chodas


Professional Title/Position


Degrees and Education

  • Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering, University of Toronto (1986)
  • M.A.Sc. in Aerospace Engineering, University of Toronto (1979)
  • B.Math. in Applied Mathematics, University of Waterloo (1975)

Research Areas, Topics, and Interests

Orbit determination and ephemeris computation for asteroids and comets, estimation theory, impact probability computation, planetary defense, keyhole theory, asteroid survey simulations, cometary science

Professional Experience and Positions

  • Principal Engineer, Solar System Dynamics Group, Jet Propulsion Laboratory (2001–present)
  • Senior Engineer, Solar System Dynamics Group, Jet Propulsion Laboratory (1990–2001)
  • Engineer, Solar System Dynamics Group, Jet Propulsion Laboratory (1982–1990)
  • Member of the IAU, currently serving on the Division F Steering Committee

Candidate Statement

Over the 25 years during which I've been a member, I've attended many of the annual DDA meetings and enjoyed every one. The small size, high quality, congenial atmosphere and interdisciplinary nature of these meetings is one of the division's great strengths. I think it's important for the DDA to maintain the excellence of the annual meetings and to continue to attract participation from new researchers. I previously served as a DDA committee member in the mid-1990s, and would look forward to serving as DDA committee member once again.

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Kevin Walsh


Professional Title/Position

Research Scientist, Department of Space Studies, Southwest Research Institute

Degrees and Education

  • University of Notre Dame Physics and Computing B.S. 2000
  • University of Maryland Astronomy Ph.D. 2006
  • University of Maryland Postdoctoral Res. Associate 2007
  • Observatoire de la Cˆote d’Azur Poincar´e Fellow 2008–2009

Services, Roles, and Activities

  • “Distinctive Voices” talk at the National Academy of Science, Irvine, CA (Nov 7, 2013)
  • Interviewed as part of Discovery Channel “Universe” series (2013)
  • Interviewed as part of BBC’s comet ISON special (2013)
  • Participating Scientist, Earth Explorers, Longmont CO (2013)
  • Public talk at Telluride Public Library (Mar 30, 2012)
  • Speaker at Fairmont Elementary Math Club (Jan 13, 2012)
  • Installed and maintain specialized workload management system, condor, on department network (UMD) which harnesses unused computing power on desktop machines
  • Tutor in Homework Hall program at Cesar Chavez Public Charter High School for Public Policy
  • Completed 5 km “De? de Monte Cristo” swim, Marseilles, France (2010)
  • Completed 167 km “Etape du Tour” bike race, Provence, France (2009)
  • Two-time member of DC-area Ultimate Frisbee Team “Truckstop” ?nishing 13th and 5th in the nation (2006,2007)
  • Faculty-Sta? advisor and coach for University of Maryland Ultimate Frisbee team (2001–2006)

Professional Experience and Positions

  • Adjunct Professor, Astro 3300, APS Dept., University of Colorado at Boulder (2012)
  • Adjunct Professor, Astro 330, Dept. of Astronomy, University of Maryland (2007)
  • Instructor, Astronomy 111, Dept. of Astronomy, University of Maryland (2001–2002)
  • Asteroid 7987 renamed Walshkevin (2012)
  • European Science Foundation 2-week GREAT travel grant (2012)
  • AAS IAU Travel Grant, Beijing, China (2012)
  • Authored News & Views article for N ature Magazine (2009)
  • Walsh et al. 2008 one of Astronomy magazine’s top 10 stories for (2008)
  • Poincar´e Postdoctoral Fellowship, Observatoire de la Cˆote d’Azur (2008–2009)
  • Dean’s Dissertation Fellowship, University of Maryland Graduate School (2006)
  • Center for Teaching Excellence Distinguished Teaching Assistant (2001–2002)
  • Center for Teaching Excellence Distinguished Teaching Assistant (2000–2001)
  • NASA panel member 2012, 2013; External reviewer (2011–2013)
  • Member International Space Science Institute “Granular Surfaces of Asteroids” (2010–2012)

Candidate Statement

I am an early career scientist who has had only great experiences at DDA meetings. I enjoy the diverse topics encountered as well as the very international population, both of which contribute to the unique character of the meetings. I will work to maintain these aspects of the DDA, and generally assist the DDA officers' management of the organization including the selection and planning of great meetings in exciting and unique locations.

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Vice Chair

  • Serves on SOC for division meetings
  • finds site for meeting two years hence
Term Elected For: 2014-2015
Currently Serving: Fred Adams

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Kelly Holley-Bockelmann


Professional Title/Position

Department of Physics & Astronomy, Vanderbilt University

Degrees and Education

B.S. in Physics, Montana State University, 1993 PhD in Astronomy, University of Michigan, 1999

Research Areas, Topics, and Interests

Supermassive black holes, intermediate mass black holes, binary black holes -- basically black holes of all sorts. I'm interested in a wide variety of dynamical problems on galactic and cosmological scales, from 3-body scattering around black holes, to the role of resonances in galaxy evolution, to orbits within non-spherical galaxies, to more accurate cosmological simulations. Recently, I've focused on post-newtonian mechanics, gravitational waves, and GPU computing.

Professional Experience and Positions

  • Assistant Professor of Astronomy, Vanderbilt University 2007–present
  • Adjunct Professor of Physics, Fisk University 2008–present
  • Associate Professor of Astronomy, Vanderbilt University (April 2014–)

Candidate Statement

I am honored to be nominated for DDA Vice-Chair, especially during this data-rich time. Missions like New Horizons, GAIA, Kepler, and MaNGA inject new energy and excitement into our field, and I would love to help showcase the next influx of data within the DDA. Another interest of mine is in developing the DDA membership while ensuring that the meetings remain both rigorous and friendly.

Many of us in our division deeply value the diversity of interests within the DDA, and are working to expand the DDA footprint to include an even wider range of dynamics. I strongly agree with this position. I think the strength of our division is its diversity; not only is it fascinating to learn about dynamics on a completely different scale, but it is this diversity that gives us a new perspective on our own work, and new tools to tackle the problem. If elected, I would join the effort to reach out to all areas of dynamics. From my experience in working with underrepresented minorities in astronomy, I also believe that a healthy division has diverse membership demographics; if elected I will begin an effort to increase the number of women, minorities and first generation college graduates within the DDA. Thank you for your consideration.

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Alan W. Harris


Professional Title/Position

Senior Research Scientist, MoreData!

Degrees and Education

  • B.S. in Geophysics, Caltech (1966)
  • M.S. in Earth & Space Science, UCLA (1967)
  • Ph.D. in Earth & Space Science, UCLA (1975)

Research Areas, Topics, and Interests

  • Solar System Dynamics: Orbital Evolution, Resonances, Asteroid spins and rotational dynamics, asteroid binaries
  • Origins: Satellite and Ring Systems, small bodies origin and evolution

Services, Roles, and Activities

  • Visiting Prof. UCSB, UCLA, Univ. Paris, U. Rome
  • IAU President of Comm 15 (1991–1994)
  • IAU WG on NEO, 1991-present, Chair (2010–present)
  • AAAS, Chair of Astronomy Division Fellow (2002–2003)
  • DPS Prize Committee (1988–1991)
  • DPS Committee (1992–1995)
  • DPS Secretary-Treasurer (1995-2001)
  • DDA Committee (1978–1980)
  • DDA Brouwer Committee (1985–1988)
  • DDA Vice-Chair & Chair (1990–1992)
  • DDA Nominating Committee (1981, 1992, 2000, 2008–2011, 3 times as Chair)
  • DDA meeting organizer/host (1989, 2002, 2005, 2012)

Professional Experience and Positions

  • Senior Research Scientist, MoreData! (2010–present)
  • Senior Research Scientist, Space Science Institute (2002–2010)
  • Mem. Tech. Staff, Senior Research Scientist, JPL (1975–2002)

Candidate Statement

I have attended all but one or two of the DDA meetings since 1973. Over the years I have served in most of the offices and committees of the Division. Much of the attraction of a DDA meeting is its small informal atmosphere and, accordingly, I do not think that our organization will benefit by growing significantly. If elected, my emphasis will be on promoting meetings in attractive settings at affordable costs, rather than fighting funding battles -- we are too small an organization to be effective at that. I will however, try to be sure that the interests of dynamical astronomy are fairly represented by the AAS in their lobbying efforts. If elected, it will be an honor to again serve the DDA and I will do my best to further these goals to keep the DDA a vigorous and valuable, even if not large, organization hosting annual meetings in interesting places. The photo is of me doing a recent site visit for a possible future meeting location. The scenery was magnificant and the local hosts (wearing tuxedos) were friendly, but it is a bit remote with limited facilities.

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  • Records and prepares minutes of meetings
  • Prepare submissions to AAS Newsletter
  • Prepares election ballots
  • Counts election ballots
  • Serves on SOC for division meetings
Term Elected For: 2014-2017
Currently Serving: Alice K. B. Monet

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Sethanne Howard


Professional Title/Position

U.S. Naval Observatory/Retired

Services, Roles, and Activities

  • Produced public presentation sponsored by the American Astronomical Society on the history of women in science and technology through 4000 years of human history. Web based material is used as reference used by schools. This material is crucial to expanding the representation of women in technology. This includes the book The Hidden Giants, published by the Washington Academy of Sciences
  • Created, designed and developed initial ADP/Geophysics training center for a U.S. Navy Facility that subsequently became a permanent division and saved considerable spin up time for new personnel
  • Integrated commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) tools into the management process to establish a customer friendly interface for tracking contract expenditures. This saved customer overruns and enhanced customer satisfaction
  • Created, designed and developed several WWW pages for NASA Headquarters
  • Designed, developed and edited a national newsletter for computer training and office automation for Government auditors during the initial phases of the integrated information system used by Defense Contract Audit Agency
  • Maintained active research career in the interactions of spiral galaxies
  • Managed several NASA operating astrophysics satellites
  • Produced the international standard text in astronomy The Astronomical Almanac

Written Biography

Retired senior manager with experience managing large contracts and budgets as well as leading technical teams. Familiar with Government book production. Familiar with Government grants and contracts processing and review. Scientific background in extragalactic astronomy, planetary astronomy, high energy astrophysics with heavy emphasis on numerical modeling, massive data management and data center development. Program Manager for several NASA satellites. Well versed in the development and integration of information systems providing user friendly data retrieval and interface. Quite skilled in developing training and indoctrination services. Excellent verbal and written skills, and very persuasive in business presentations. Very active in national outreach programs promoting improvements in science education.

Candidate Statement

The DDA is an amazing and unique resource for astronomers. I have been a member since the late 1980s. At each meeting I learn more and more about subjects that span the astronomical spectrum from cosmology to asteroids, and always something unexpected. The overall friendliness of the group encourages the newer members to contribute fully. I was a recipient of that open and welcoming atmosphere when I first joined. The wide diversity of the science lets us learn more about all the interesting areas of astronomy. If elected I will be honored to serve as an officer for the DDA.

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