Description: As members of the governing board of the AAS, councilors have the legal responsibility to manage, direct, and control the affairs and property of the Society. Within the limits of the Bylaws, the Council determines the policies of the Society and changes to them, and it has discretion in the disbursement of the Society's funds.
Term Elected For: 3 years, position open: 3
Currently Serving:
Bruce Balick
Eileen D. Friel
Angela Speck
Nancy S. Brickhouse
Todd J. Henry
Steven D. Kawaler
Geoffrey Clayton
Dawn Gelino
Dara J. Norman
Please select up to 3 option(s).
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Kelly Holley-Bockelmann
Professional Title/Position
Assistant Professor of Astronomy (Vanderbilt) and Adjunct Professor of Physics
Degrees and Education
University of Michigan (1999)
Vanderbilt University and Fisk University
Research Areas, Topics, and Interests
- Galaxy structure and dynamics
- Supermassive black holes
- Intermediate mass black holes,
- Stellar dynamics
- Computational astrophysics of all sorts
- Gravitational wave astronomy
Services, Roles, and Activities
- Division of Dynamical Astronomy (DDA) Committee (elected 2009-2011)
- AAS Van Biesbroeck Prize nomination committee (appointed 2011)
- DDA nominating committee (appointed 2011-2013)
- DDA nominating committee chair (2012)
Professional Experience and Positions
- Fisk-to-Vanderbilt Masters-to-PhD Bridge Program Steering Committee (2007-present)
- Co-chair for the Committee for Minority Representation in SDSS (2012-present)
- APS Division of Computational Physics Nomination Committee (2012)
- Aspen Center for Physics Meeting Organizer (2010)
- SDSS-III workshop local co-organizer (2011)
- Single and Double Massive Black Holes in Galaxies Workshop co-organizer (2011)
- XSEDE Regional workshop organizer (2012)
- NASA, NSF, Einstein Fellowship, DOE INCITE proposal reviewer - several panels over six years
Candidate Statement
I am so honored to be nominated to serve on the AAS Council. The AAS supports nearly every aspect of our careers and advocates for us all. The AAS meetings are where we are inspired by the newest discoveries and where we network with one another; the papers we publish are run by the Society; and the best clearinghouse for astronomy jobs is the AAS Job Register. I could go on, but I only have 200 words!
If elected Councilor, I first hope to be a conduit to bring your suggestions and concerns to the Council. My personal goal is to promote efforts for a diverse and inclusive membership for all astronomers, regardless of background or career path. To build a talented, diverse workforce, we need support on many levels, from intense one-on-one mentoring, to career development workshops, to practical policies like postdoctoral family leave and childcare support at meetings. My work in the Fisk-to-Vanderbilt Masters-to-PhD Bridge Program has allowed me to experience the real-world challenges and successful practices for broadening participation STEM, and I hope to bring this experience to the AAS. Thank you for your consideration.
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Grace Deming
Professional Title/Position
Instructor (1985-present)
Degrees and Education
MS University of Illinois, Urbana (1975)
University of Maryland at College Park, Department of Astronomy
Research Areas, Topics, and Interests
- Astronomy Education Research
- Science Misconception Research
- Active learning Strategies
- STEM Diversity
Services, Roles, and Activities
- Member (1993-present)
- AAS Education Prize (2011)
- AAS Education Board (2002-2005)
- Local Organizing Committee for Washington DC meetings (1998, 2002, 2006)
- Organized AAS Special Session: The Astronomy Diagnostic Test: Development, Results, and Applications (2002)
Professional Experience and Positions
- Co-developer of Astronomy Diagnostic Test (ADT), supervised ADT National Project (1999-2003)
- Undergraduate Advisor for UMD Department of Astronomy (1990-present)
- Developer and main presenter of 2-day Teaching Assistants Workshop (UMD, Department of Astronomy, 1994-present)
- Author "Cooperative Learning Activities for Introductory Astronomy" (1997)
Candidate Statement
During my 38 year career, I have taught astronomy in middle school, at a private college, as an adjunct professor teaching evening classes for working adults, as an adjunct part-time university instructor, and as a full time university instructor. I have had the pleasure of introducing astronomy to approximately 7500 undergraduates. I am particularly interested in improving student conceptual understanding of astronomy with the goal of allowing people to share in our discoveries. Astronomy education research has played an important role in my career. I have trained, supervised, and supported graduate students during their teaching assistantships for 28 years. I am sympathetic to the problems that graduate students encounter, and I have actively worked as an advocate for them. In my own career, I have dealt with the two-body problem and having an astronomer spouse employed in a government agency for 30 years, I am familiar with the challenges and opportunities that a non-academic career path poses. I will draw on my experiences to guide my input as a member of the Council. My location in Maryland will allow me to help to our Public Policy Committee inform our congressional representatives of the importance of astronomy.
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Stephen Unwin
Professional Title/Position
Principal Scientist
Degrees and Education
University of Cambridge (1980)
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
Research Areas, Topics, and Interests
- Extrasolar planets
- Stellar debris disks
- Relativistic jets in AGN
- Space-based astronomy instrumentation
Services, Roles, and Activities
- AAS Division on Dynamical Astronomy (Committee 2000–2002, 2006-2007, Chair 2006–2007)
- Brouwer Award Selection Committee (Chair 2010)
- AAS Member (since 1980); DDA and DPS member
Professional Experience and Positions
- Exoplanet Exploration Program, Deputy Program Scientist (2005-2013)
- Deputy Director, JPL Center for Exoplanet Science (2005-2011)
- Deputy Project Scientist, Space Interferometry Mission (2000-2010)
- NASA Keck Time Allocation Committee (2013)
- NASA proposal review panels (1994, 1998-1999, 2011-2013)
- NSF Management Review Committee of Arecibo Observatory (2007)
- National Science Foundation proposal reviewer (2000–2005)
- Arecibo Users Committee (2000–2003, Chair 2003)
- NRAO Users Committee (1992–1995, Chair 1995)
- SETI Scientist, Caltech (1991-1993)
- Proposal Referee, US VLBI Network (1990-1992)
- Manager, VLBI Correlator, Caltech (1985-1996)
- Full member of the RAS (since 1980), IAU (1985), URSI (1985)
- Research Fellow in Radio Astronomy, Caltech (1980-1984)
Candidate Statement
The AAS is vital for US astronomy. It’s a privilege, and an obligation, to share the natural excitement and the relevance of our field with a wider audience — and it’s necessary for the long-term health of our community. My goal as Councilor will be to insure that the Society continues to be a resource to the professional astronomy community, through its meetings and publication support, and to engage the general public, amateur astronomers and teachers.
Our community faces some tough issues, such as the low selection rates of proposals to NSF and NASA, and the prospects for academic employment of astronomers just starting their professional careers. The AAS should continue work toward solutions with government agencies and the various national committees that set policy and priorities for our field.
My scientific and professional experience is broad, having worked in academia and a government laboratory. I've written many observing and research proposals so I understand the pressures that proposers face. As a reviewer I’ve faced the challenge of allocating scarce resources fairly and effectively. As an organizer of many workshops and conferences, I appreciate the very diverse interests of AAS members. As Councilor, I will listen to the membership's views and concerns and I will represent your interests.
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Susana Deustua
Professional Title/Position
Associate Scientist
Degrees and Education
U.Michigan- Ann Arbor (1992)
Space Telescope Science Institute
Research Areas, Topics, and Interests
- Absolute Spectrophotometric Calibration
- Extragalactic Observational Astrophysics
- Education
Services, Roles, and Activities
- Demographics Committee (2012-present)
- Nominating Committee (2009-2012)
- Longitudinal Survey in Astronomy (2006-present)
- AAS Director of Education (2002-2008)
Professional Experience and Positions
- Co-Chair US International Year of Astronomy 2009 (2007-2010)
- IAU IYA Executive Working Group (2007-2010)
- AAPT Committee on Undergraduate Education (2006-2009)
- DOE/NASA Joint Dark Energy Mission Science Definition Team (2004-2006)
- NASA/DOE JDEM Science Coordinating Group (2008-2010)
- 2010 Decadal Survey Position Papers: Author of In Support of Astronomy Education Research; Organizer and Co-Author of Photometric Calibrations for 21st Century Science, Co-author of: a) Type Ia supernova science 2010-2020, b) Workforce Development in Astronomy, c) Small Research Telescope Challenge
- AAS Special Session Organizer: Demographic Studies and the AAS (2014), The Role of Calibration in Modern Optical and Infrared Astronomy (2013), IYA2009 and Beyond: Global Overview and Cornerstone Projects (2010), Hubble's Diverse Universe (2010), International Year of Astronomy 2009 Overview (2009, co-organizer) Cool Astronomy (2002 - 2006)
- Review Panels (since 2000): NSF for AST Career, Instrumentation, Science and NSF EHR Education; NASA for SMD Education, Instrumentation; DOE for Science
- Societies: IAU member (2002-present); AAPT (2002-2010); ASP
Candidate Statement
Our Society¹s mission is to support and disseminate scientific understanding of the Universe through publications and meetings, by training and mentoring the next generation of astronomers, by assisting members to develop their skills and talents in education and outreach, and to work with other organizations to promote the advancement of science. The Council is the governing body of the Society and manages, directs and controls the Society¹s affairs and property, determines the Society¹s policies and actively carries out the Society¹s plans. Our challenge is making sure the daily activities of the Council match and support all of our Society¹s goals, even when we find ourselves in the current era of declining budgets for science, so that the AAS fulfills its mission.
If elected councilor, I will work towards ensuring that the Society continues to be an open, vibrant and inclusive community of scholars, educators, instrumentalists and policy makers by promoting who we are and what we do. To this effort I bring passion for doing good, dedication to education and diversity, accompanied with the appropriate experience, which includes extensive history working with the AAS Council and Executive Office through my former tenure as the AAS Director of Education, as well as service on various committees. The universe is ours to discover!
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Karel Schrijver
Professional Title/Position
Senior fellow
Degrees and Education
University of Utrecht, the Netherlands (1986)
Lockheed Martin Solar and Astrophysics Laboratory
Research Areas, Topics, and Interests
- solar and heliospheric activity
- space weather impacts
- cool-star magnetic activity
Services, Roles, and Activities
Professional Experience and Positions
- Chair COSPAR RoadMap panel on space weather (2013-2014)
- President (2012-2014) of and Vice-President (2009-2012) of IAU Commission 10: Solar Physics
- Member NSF AST Portfolio Review Committee (2012)
- Member NASA’s Heliophysics Subcommittee of the NASA Advisory Council (2010-2013)
- Member of the National Research Council’s Space Studies Board (2002-2005)
- Member NASA Solar-Heliospheric Mission Working Group (2006-2009)
- Member of the NASA LWS Targeted Research and Technology Steering Group (2009, 2010, 2012)
- Lead on Heliophysics Summer School (2007-2010, 2013-2016)
- Member of the Editorial Board of Solar Physics (1994-present; chair 2009-2010)
- Founding member of the Editorial Board of Living Reviews in Solar Physics (2002-present)
Candidate Statement
Astrophysicists reveal the wonders of the universe, test the extremes of our understanding of physics, and quantify the impacts of the local cosmos on society’s expanding technological foundation. The AAS fulfils many important functions in support of all that, among them enabling communication between the many branches within astrophysics, providing outreach to the public and supporting education of new generations of students, and focusing and strengthening the community’s voice to articulate the needs for a diverse research portfolio using state-of-the-art facilities.
My professional activities, starting in stellar astrophysics with a current focus on the Sun as its nearest subject, brings me in touch with the night and day sides of astrophysics, rests on experiments on the ground, in space, and in the computer, and requires national and international networking. These experiences, and my involvement in committees for NASA, NSF, IAU, and COSPAR, have given me a deep appreciation of the value of astrophysics for society and of the challenges of formulating that well in times of strong fiscal constraints. As a member of the AAS council, it would be my privilege to bring my expertise to support the vibrant AAS community in articulating the excitement and relevance of its activities.
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Buell T. Jannuzi
Professional Title/Position
Head of Department/Director
Degrees and Education
University of Arizona (1990)
Department of Astronomy and Steward Observatory, University of Arizona
Research Areas, Topics, and Interests
- Observational Cosmology
- Quasar Absorption Line Systems
- Active Galaxies
- Instrumentation for Surveys
Services, Roles, and Activities
- AAS Committee on Light Pollution, Radio Interference, and Space Debris (2006)
Professional Experience and Positions
- GLAST/Fermi Users' Group (2007-Present)
- NOAO Ground-based O/IR System Roadmap Committee (2010-Present, Co-chair 2010-2012)
- SIRTF/SPITZER Users' Committee (1998-2004)
- WIRE Science Recovery Advisory Panel (1999)
- Gemini Science Committee (1996-2000)
- US Gemini Science Committee (1995-2000)
- International Dark Sky Association (IDA), Member Board of Directors (2008-2011), Vice President (2008-2010), President (2011)
- Thirty Meter Telescope Science Advisory Committee (2003-2005)
- Member Large Synoptic Survey Telescope Corporation Board of Directors (2012-Present)
- Member Giant Magellan Telescope Board of Directors (2012-Present)
- Member Large Binocular Telescope Board of Directors (2012-Present)
- Member Magellan Observatory Council (2012-Present)
- Member WIYN Board of Directors (2005-2010)
Candidate Statement
I am flattered to have been nominated to serve as a councilor of the American Astronomical Society. It would be a pleasure to work with the members, staff, and leaders of the AAS to sustain and strengthen our professional society in its mission to enhance and share humanity’s scientific understanding of the Universe. Throughout my career I have had a strong desire to not only pursue astrophysical research, but to enable others to do the same. This led me to join the scientific staff of the National Optical Astronomy Observatory in 1995 and to later take on the challenges of being Director of Kitt Peak National Observatory. I have always accepted the opportunity to serve on advisory panels, user committees, and observatory boards in order to help develop and improve the facilities we all depend upon to carry out our research. I will bring a similar commitment to working to support the needs of our large, strong, and diverse community through the activities of the AAS if elected to serve you as a councilor of the AAS.
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Liese van Zee
Professional Title/Position
Associate Professor
Degrees and Education
Cornell University (1996)
Indiana University
Research Areas, Topics, and Interests
- galaxy evolution
- star formation and chemical enrichment of nearby galaxies
- neutral gas dynamics
- multi-wavelength astronomy
Professional Experience and Positions
- Committee on Radio Frequencies (2010- present)
- NAIC Arecibo User's and Scientific Advisory Committee (2006-2009)
- EVLA Advisory Committee (2007-2009); NRAO User's Committee (2002-2006, Chair 2005)
Candidate Statement
I am honored to run for Council. I believe that the AAS plays an important role in the astronomical community by providing the means to communicate science, policy, and professional opportunities to astronomers at all stages of their careers. For me, the most visible aspects of the AAS are the semi-annual meetings where many of us give our first professional presentations and return now to learn of current developments and to connect with colleagues. As a Council member, I will work to improve the role of AAS in developing our professional networks and in expanding career development activities, at AAS meetings and elsewhere, with a particular emphasis on opportunities for junior and other early career members. Throughout my career, I have had a strong commitment to professional development and to building strong networks to support astronomers through career transitions. I believe that the AAS can play a critical role in helping its members expand our professional opportunities and be successful in all aspects of our careers.
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