HAD 2018 Election - Test,Test

Division for Historical Astronomy Division (HAD) Election Ballot 2018 - Voting Ends on 30 October 2018 at 11:59 PM (Eastern Time Zone)


The HAD 2018 election is for the HAD Vice-Chair.

Those elected will take office immediately after the HAD Business Meeting in January 2019. You will need your AAS username (which defaults to your membership number), and your password.

You should vote for one of the two candidates for Vice-Chair:

  • Matijauk
  • Amanda Hendrix

The Vice-Chair will become the DPS Chair in October 2019.

You should vote for two of the four candidates for DPS Committee:

  • Michael Bland
  • Will Grundy
  • Lucille Le Corre
  • Krista Soderlund

The successful candidates will serve on the Committee for three years.

The detailed vitae and position statements for each of the candidates follow.

Current time: Wednesday, 12 March 2025, 07:21:04 am EDT (-04:00 GMT)

Voting opened: Friday, 21 September 2018, 11:00:01 am EDT (-04:00 GMT)
Voting closed: Tuesday, 30 October 2018, 11:59:00 am EDT (-04:00 GMT)

The time has passed to vote on this ballot.

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Term Elected For: 2019-2021
Currently Serving:

2014-2016 Paul Chodas, Rachel Kuzio de Naray, and Matthew Tiscareno

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Kevin Krisciunas



Texas A&M University

Written Biography

Kevin Krisciunas has been a Lecturer at Texas A&M University since 2006. He obtained his BS in Astronomy at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1974, a Master’s Degree in Library Science from the University of Chicago in 1976, and a Master’s Degree in Astronomy (1997) and Ph. D. in Astronomy (2000) from the University of Washington. You might know him from the first episode of the PBS television series The Astronomers, which debuted in 1991. In that episode Kevin gave a tour of the Keck Telescope at Mauna Kea and sang a song containing the names of the 88 constellations. In 1984 he published a German-to-English translation of The History of Astronomy from Herschel to Hertzsprung. In 1988 his book Astronomical Centers of the World was published. More recently (2013, 2016) he published two editions of a volume of interdisciplinary reading called A Guide to Wider Horizons. He has written on the history of nineteenth century Russian astronomy, the star catalogue of Ulugh Beg, and he wrote the biographical memoir on Otto Struve for the National Academy of Sciences. He also compiled a biographical index to the first 108 volumes of Sky and Telescope magazine (http://people.physics.tamu.edu/krisciunas/st.html).

Kevin has worked as a computer programmer and onboard operator for the Kuiper Airborne Observatory (1977 to 1982), and has done software work for the Joint Astronomy Centre in Hilo, Hawaii (1982 to 1996), which was the headquarters for the United Kingdom Infrared Telescope and the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope. He worked at Cerro Tololo Observatory, Las Campanas Observatory, and as a research professor at the University of Notre Dame. Kevin’s research has involved the search for evidence for a central engine in the center of the Milky Way galaxy, the discovery of a new class of pulsating stars (the prototype is ? Doradus), and optical and infrared observations of supernovae. He is the first author or coauthor of 117 refereed scientific publications, and the author or coauthor of many more non-refereed papers.

Candidate Statement

Having been a full member of the AAS and of the Historical Astronomy Division since the inception of the latter in 1979, I would consider it an honor to serve as Vice Chair and subsequently as Chair of HAD. At the previous AAS meeting in Seattle there was a panel discussion on the preservation of historical artifacts at Yerkes, Lick, and Mount Wilson Observatories. I would pursue sources of funding and volunteers to help preserve this important material. I strongly support the continuing efforts to write obituaries of our colleagues who are no longer with us. In this era of video technology, we should start a YouTube channel that brings to life characters important in the history of astronomy. Why not arrange an interview with actress Rachel Weisz, who played Hypatia in the 2009 movie Agora? Woody Sullivan is all tooled up to role play William Herschel for another interview. So many other examples come to mind, such as Ptolemy, Galileo, Edwin Hubble, Harlow Shapley, and others. Some of these could be dialogues or panel discussions like Steve Allen’s program Meeting of Minds, which aired on PBS from 1977 to 1981.

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Terry D. Oswalt


Degrees and Education

  • Paris Observatory (2013)


  • Cornell University

Research Areas, Topics, and Interests

  • celestial mechanics: Orbital resonances and secular dynamics
  • planetary rings, satellites dynamics
  • physics of planetary interiors and atmospheres

Services, Roles, and Activities

  • Member of the HAD

Professional Experience and Positions

  • Research associate at Cornell University (2014-present)
  • Graduate student at Paris Observatory (2010-2013)
  • Referee for A&A and Icarus

Candidate Statement

I always thoroughly enjoy DDA meetings, it is one of the best opportunities to discuss current problems on dynamics, share recent results and learn more about issues related to celestial mechanics. It would be my pleasure to be a member in the general DDA committee. As a member, I will work to maintain the great quality of the meeting, and encourage national and international young scientists to participate.

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Testing Temporary Slate part 2 -Tom

Term Elected For:
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