Committee Member
Description: Members of the SPD Committee shall have general charge of the affairs of the Division, and through the Chairperson or Secretary shall report the activities of the Division to the Council of the Society. The Committee may set an enrollment fee for new members, annual dues for all members, registration fees for persons attending meetings of the Division, or any combination of such fees and dues. Fees and dues may be waived by the Committee on an individual basis by request for those Members or Affiliate Members for which payment in United States dollars represents a barrier to membership. The Committee shall meet at least once each year.
Term Elected For: 3 years
Currently Serving: - Steve Bradshaw (term is ending)
- Gordon Emslie
- Lindsay Glesener
- Leon Golub
- Sabrina Savage (term is ending)
Please select up to 2 option(s).
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Adrian N. Daw
Professional Title/Position
Research Astrophysicist
Degrees and Education
Harvard University, 2000
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Research Areas, Topics, and Interests
Heating and dynamics of the solar atmosphere
Laboratory atomic and molecular physics
EUV spectroscopy and diffractive imaging
Radiometric calibration techniques for earth and solar remote sensing
Services, Roles, and Activities
AAS/SPD Scientific Organizing Committee member, 2016
Professional Experience and Positions
Principal Investigator of the Extreme Ultraviolet Normal Incidence Spectrograph (EUNIS), 2014-present
Mission Scientist of the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS), 2013-present
Assistant/Associate Professor of Physics, Appalachian State University, 2004-2009
Visiting Scientist, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, 2000-2004
Candidate Statement
Astronomy reveals the physical workings of the universe, captures imaginations of all ages, and provides many examples of the near and long term benefits of investing in scientific research. As a teacher and researcher, I am always happy to advocate for the field(s) of science and to provide training and opportunities for new generations. It would be my pleasure to serve and represent the community.
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Andres Munoz-Jaramillo
Professional Title/Position
Senior Research Scientist
Degrees and Education
Montana State University, 2010
SouthWest Research Institute
Research Areas, Topics, and Interests
Understanding of the solar magnetic cycle (through the betterment of solar cycle models and our long-term magnetic databases), its prediction (by enhancing the capability of models to directly assimilate solar data), and studying its connection with solar variability, space climate, and terrestrial climate change (by establishing overarching collaborations with other scientists to integrate the different aspects of the heliospheric system)
Use of data visualization as a tool for data mining and exploration, as well as tool for storytelling and information transfer
Candidate Statement
Our community is facing a challenging times due to a combination of growth, reliance on external funding, and budgetary cuts. Because of this, it is very important to understand the make-up, needs, and resources of our community.
An online, freely accessible “box of tools” to support community work was born 20 years ago in the form of the Community Tool Box (CTB) project:
According to the CTB, community action can be subdivided in the following, cyclic, set of steps:
1. Assess: Learning what issues matter to the community, and what resources may be available.
2. Plan: Providing overall direction on the road that leads from where things are now to where we hope they will be.
3. Act: Mobilizing people around the effort and implementing some sort of intervention.
4. Evaluate: Monitor initiatives to see if they are working.
5. Sustain: Once the work has started, keeping your efforts going.
As an SPD committee member I would like to help us understand ourselves as an interconnected community, and take the first step in this community action model. In particular, I am interested in implementing the following modules:
Assessing Community Needs and Resources:
Analyzing Problems and Goals:
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Larisza Diana Krista
Professional Title/Position
Research Scientist II
Degrees and Education
Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, 2011
University of Colorado at Boulder
Research Areas, Topics, and Interests
Solar Corona
Solar Wind
Sun-Earth connection
Space Weather
Candidate Statement
My background in astrophysics and eleven years in the field of solar physics has given me the privilege to understand how the astronomy community works. I have been working at a federal institution (NOAA) for six years in addition to being part of academia throughout my career.
As an SPD committee member, I would use my experience to advocate diversity, the continued support of solar physics, interdisciplinary collaborations, and efficient public outreach. Furthermore, I would like to promote strengthening the connection between research, application and operations. I would be honored to serve our community as an SPD committee member.
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Kelly Korreck
Professional Title/Position
Degrees and Education
University of Michigan, 2005
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
Research Areas, Topics, and Interests
Shock physics
Solar instrumentation
solar wind heating
Services, Roles, and Activities
SPD Public Policy Committee, 2014-present
SPD Popular Writing Award Committee, 2013-present
AAS Agent for Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, 2014
Candidate Statement
The SPD can play an important role in advocating for Solar and Heliospheric Physics. As a committee member, I bring a breadth of experience from space flight instrumentation to data analysis to public outreach and public policy. It can also highlight the various aspects of the community from those who work on instrumentation to students and educators as well as researchers. I see the SPD as an organization that can help scientist work by showcasing the importance of the work as well as the relevance to society. I will work with my fellow committee members to bring about programming to fulfill this role.
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