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Ann-Marie Madigan
Professional Title/Position
Assistant Professor
Degrees and Education
Ph.D. Leiden University
B.Sc. University of Ireland, Galway
CU Boulder
JILA (associate member)
Research Areas, Topics, and Interests
Dynamics of stars and gas near supermassive black holes
Self-gravity of minor planets
Services, Roles, and Activities
NASA external reviewer
HST panel member
Chair of Block Award committee
Professional Experience and Positions
NASA Einstein Postdoctoral Fellow & Theoretical Astrophysics Center (TAC) Fellow (UC Berkeley)
Candidate Statement
As a DDA committee member, I’d work to attract dynamists in diverse fields. When I attended my first meeting in Pasadena in 2015, I immediately felt at home and wished I’d heard about it sooner! I’m sure there are many dynamists in the same position and we can reach them.
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Daniel Jontof-Hutter
Professional Title/Position
Assistant Professor
Degrees and Education
2012 Ph.D. in Astronomy, University of Maryland
University of the Pacific
Research Areas, Topics, and Interests
Dusty rings: dynamics with gravity and magnetic fields
Transit Timing Variations: characterizing low mass planets, orbital parameters
Architectures of multi-planet systems, planet populations
Services, Roles, and Activities
Member of DPS, DDA
Co-organizer of Emerging Researchers in Exoplanet Science Symposium 2015
Mentor of undergraduate research
Co-organizer of National Capital Area Disks Group Meeting 2009
Various NASA review panels
Referee for ApJ, Icarus
Regular outreach activities
Professional Experience and Positions
2016-present Assistant Professor, Dept. of Physics, University of the Pacific
2014-2016 Research Associate, Center for Exoplanets and Habitable Worlds, Penn State University
2016 Instructor in Undergraduate Astronomy, Penn State University
2012-2014 NASA Postdoctoral Program fellow, AMES Research Center
2007-2012 Research Assistant, Dept. of Astronomy, University of Maryland
2005-2007 Teaching Assistant, Dept. of Astronomy, University of Maryland
Candidate Statement
Because of its small size, interdisciplinary range of interests and collegial culture, the DDA meeting is simply the best conference. It would be an honor to serve on the committee and maintain this unique gathering, and I look forward to working hard to attract additional young scientists to solving problems with dynamics and joining the DDA.
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Kat Volk
Professional Title/Position
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Degrees and Education
- 2013 Ph.D., Planetary Sciences, University of Arizona
- 2006 B.S., Physics, Wittenberg University
University of Arizona
Research Areas, Topics, and Interests
- Dynamical history of the outer solar system
- Dynamical structure of the Kuiper belt
- Structure of Neptune's mean motion resonances
- Small body dynamics
- Stability of planetary systems
Professional Experience and Positions
- 2015-present Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Arizona
- 2013-2015 CITA National Fellow, University of British Columbia
Candidate Statement
I value the DDA highly because of the variety of interesting dynamical problems being explored by its members. The annual DDA meeting is always an excellent opportunity to stay up-to-date on different fields of dynamics, have productive discussions, and find new potential collaborators. If elected, I would focus on maintaining the high quality of the DDA meetings and encouraging new people to join the DDA and come to meetings, especially early-career researchers and those who could expand the range of research areas represented in the membership.
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Siegfried Eggl
Professional Title/Position
California Institute of Technology Postdoctoral Fellow
Degrees and Education
2013 University of Vienna, Austria
Current Affiliation
Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), California Institute of Technology
Past Affiliations
Astro Dynamics Group (ADG), University of Vienna, Austria
Institut de Mecanique Celeste et de Calcul des Ephemerides (IMCCE), Observatoire de Paris, France
Research Areas, Topics, and Interests
Near Earth Asteroids
Computational Physics
Professional Experience and Positions
2014-present Member, AAS
Member of the French Astronomical Society (SF2A)
Faculty board member at the University of Vienna, Austria
Candidate Statement
The first time I have been invited to join a meeting of the Division of Dynamical Astronomy of the AAS in 2014, I was overwhelmed with the openness and kindness of its members. Since then I have had the pleasure to witness a ubiquitous dedication to foster diversity and ingenuity in the field of dynamical astronomy. Mirrored in the excellent quality of the meetings and high-profile awards, the DDA is an important platform to position and promote the field of dynamical astronomy in today’s vast research landscape. Thus, serving as a member of the committee would be a great honor for me. Naturally, such honors come with the responsibility to ensure the continued success of the organization. Being relatively new to the community, I believe I can offer a largely unbiased view on division affairs pledging myself to the principles of equal opportunity and diversity.
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Davide Farnocchia
Professional Title/Position
Navigation Engineer
Degrees and Education
2012 Ph.D. in Mathematics, University of Pisa
2008 M.S. in Mathematics, University of Pisa
2006 B.S. in Mathematics, University of Pisa
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
Research Areas, Topics, and Interests
Orbit determination and dynamics of small Solar System bodies
Near-Earth asteroid surveys
Statistical treatment of astrometric data
Nongravitational perturbations
Impact hazard assessment
Services, Roles, and Activities
Member of the International Astronomical Union, Divisions A and F, Commissions A3, A4, and X2
Member of the Division for Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society
Member of the Division on Dynamical Astronomy of the American Astronomical Society
Member of the Italian Society of Celestial Mechanics and Astrodynamics
Member of the OSIRIS-REx Science Team
Member of the Juno Navigation Team
Reviewer for more than ten international journal
Editor of the proceedings of IAU Symposium 318
Professional Experience and Positions
Jan 2014 to present: Navigation Engineer at Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
Oct 2012 to Jan 2014: NASA postdoctoral fellow at Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
Jan 2012 to Sep 2012: Research fellow at SpaceDyS
Sep 2008 to Dec 2008: Research fellow of the Celestial Mechanics Group at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Pisa
Candidate Statement
I find DDA meetings among the most interesting to attend. In particular, the rather small size of the division encourages networking with other members and cross-disciplinary collaborations. It would be my pleasure to serve on the committee and help the division maintain the high quality of its meetings.
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Sarah Loebman
Professional Title/Position
Michigan Society of Fellows postdoctoral scholar, Hubble Fellow (fall 2017)
Degrees and Education
2013 PhD, University of Washington
University of Michigan
University of California Davis (fall 2017)
Research Areas, Topics, and Interests
Galactic structure
Milky Way dynamics
Radial migration
N-Body+SPH simulations of galaxies
Galactic chemical evolution
The scientific application of database technology
Services, Roles, and Activities
2006-2013 Committee member, Pre-Major in Astronomy Program (Pre-MAP)
2010-present Program lead, Astronomy for the Sight Impaired Program (ASI)
Professional Experience and Positions
2013-present Member, LSST Milky Way working group
2016-present Member, DESI Milky Way working group
2016-present Postdoctoral representative, UM astro Equity & Inclusion Committee
Candidate Statement
The DDA has a long and respected history of promoting astronomy across a wide scale through a shared interest in dynamics. As a member of the committee, my primary goal will be to foster continued development in multi domain science and expand and broaden participation in the DDA, particularly among junior participants. To accomplish this, I will leverage my time as a Hubble Fellow to speak often and widely about the DDA in person and via social media (FB, Twitter, Slack, etc). I will utilize such online resources to survey the interests and needs of our membership, and I will make the development of resources and venues for promoting our junior members a top priority. As a researcher with cross disciplinary interests, ties in simulation and observational communities, and deep connections to minority serving programs, I have a range of venues that I can promote the DDA's efforts within. I will work to increase recognition of the Division, lead the development of resources for junior members, and encourage financial contribution to the Division at annual fee renewal time. I look forward to joining the DDA committee and supporting the next steps in our growth.
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