AAS 2017 Election

American Astronomical Society Election Ballot 2017 - Voting Ends on 1 February 2017 at 11:59 PM (Eastern Time Zone)


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Voting opened: Sunday, 18 December 2016, 12:00:00 am EST (-05:00 GMT)
Voting closed: Wednesday, 1 February 2017, 11:59:59 pm EST (-05:00 GMT)

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Nominating Committee

Description: The Nominating Committee prepares slates of candidates for Officers and Councilors and helps prepare slates of candidates to serve on the Publications Board and Astronomy Education Board, as specified in the Constitution & Bylaws.
Term Elected For: 3 years
Currently Serving:
  • Nicole S. Van Der Bliek, Chair (Feb 2016 - Feb 2017)
  • Anthony H. Gonzalez (Feb 2015 - Feb 2018)
  • Stella Kafka (Feb 2016 - Feb 2019)
  • Patricia Knezek (Feb 2016 - Feb 2019)
  • Knut A. Olsen (Feb 2015 - Feb 2018)

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Derek L. Buzasi


Professional Title/Position


Degrees and Education

Penn State University (1989)


Florida Gulf Coast University

Research Areas, Topics, and Interests

  • Solar-stellar connection
  • Variable stars
  • Asteroseismology
  • Exoplanets
  • Optical/UV instrumentation

Professional Experience and Positions

AAS positions & dates: 

  • Member, AAS, HEAD, SPD (1988-present)
  • AAS Agent (2014-present)
  • AAS Career Center (2014-15)

Other relevant positions & experience:

  • IAU (2003-present)
  • Sigma Xi (1990-present)
  • NASA Visiting Senior Scientist (Rotator, 1994-96)
  • Kepler Asteroseismic Science Consortium (KASC, 2000-present)
  • TESS Asteroseismic Science Consortium (TASC, 2015-present)
  • Numerous NASA review and advisory panels (including ADP/ADP, LTSA, Astrophysics Theory, Chandra, Keck, Kepler, AISR, Explorer Program, NVO SDT, etc.), and NSF review panels (including AAG, GRFP)

Candidate Statement

The nominating committee’s task is to identify capable, dedicated, and enthusiastic candidates for AAS leadership positions who reflect all of the varied qualities and qualifications of the society’s members. I have worked in a broad range of institutions, from small colleges to research universities and governmental organizations, and in astronomical applications ranging from multi-wavelength observations to theory to instrumentation; I believe this diverse background gives me a strong basis for identifying outstanding leadership candidates. I’ve also served productively on numerous committees from the institutional to the national level, and understand how to contribute to an organization in collegial yet meaningful ways. Finally, I also believe that the committee membership should reflect the Society as a whole, and my current status as a faculty member at a comprehensive university will help to give voice to those Society members who are not at research universities. If elected, I would be honored to serve as a member of the nominating committee, and would provide thoughtful and conscientious service to the AAS.
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Doris Daou


Professional Title/Position

Senior Scientist - Program Officer and Chief of Staff to Division Director

Degrees and Education

Universite de Montreal (1989)


ASRC - NASA Headquarters

Research Areas, Topics, and Interests

  • Solar System
  • Exoplanets
  • International Partnerships

Candidate Statement

The American Astronomical Society has been a professional home for me since graduate school with my attending both winter and summer meetings for over two decades. My professional history includes 25 years of experience with NASA missions as well as science, Education and Public Outreach, International Partnerships, and management. I have been active in various committees for NASA, as well as the American Astronomical Society education program review in 2009, the Woman in Astronomy 2009 Conference Program Committee, the Astronomical Society of the Pacific Program Committee, the EPO Advisory Group for various mission, the International Year of Astronomy US and IAU program Committee, and the IAU Communicating Astronomy with Public program committee. I have also led an effort for creating a professional society for Astronomy communicators, which resulted in the creation of a Professionalization & Accreditation working group in the IAU Commission 2, as well an IAU associate membership level for these professionals. It would be a pleasure and honor for me to serve and support the AAS and its community as a member of the nominating committee.
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Perry A. Gerakines


Professional Title/Position


Degrees and Education

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (1998)



Research Areas, Topics, and Interests

  • Astrobiology
  • Astrochemistry
  • Comets, Icy Satellites, Pluto, Kuiper Belt Objects
  • Infrared Astronomy
  • Infrared Spectroscopy of Cryogenic Solids
  • Laboratory Astrophysics
  • Photochemistry
  • Radiation Chemistry
  • Professional Experience and Positions

    AAS positions & dates:

    • Member (1997-present))

    Other relevant positions & experience:

    • Member, Local Organizing Committee, From interstellar ices to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: A symposium to honor Lou Allamandola’s contributions to the molecular Universe, 2015
    • Session Organizer, Astrobiology Science Conference, 2015
    • Session Organizer, Asia-Oceania Geosciences Society Meeting, 2006
    • Session Organizer, Asia-Oceania Geosciences Society Meeting, 2005
    • Member, Local Organizing Committee, AAS Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting #34, 2002
    • Member, American Geophysical Union
    • Member, Asia-Oceania Geosciences Society
    • Member, International Astronomical Union
    • Member, American Association for the Advancement of Science

    Candidate Statement

    The Nominating Committee of the AAS has an important role in the Society to bring candidates to the ballot who will be effective leaders and represent the broad range of disciplines and interests of its members. I have been an active Member of the AAS for about 20 years, and over the course of my career I have been active across several relevant sub-disciplines in the field. I have come to know many hard-working people who could add great value to the impact of the Society as leaders, if only they were nominated. As a Nominating Committee Member for the AAS, I will work to ensure that such a diverse range of disciplines and candidates are properly represented on the ballots for AAS Offices.
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    Ryan C. Hickox


    Professional Title/Position

    Assistant Professor

    Degrees and Education

    Harvard University (2007)


    Dartmouth College

    Research Areas, Topics, and Interests

    • Active galactic nuclei
    • galaxy evolution
    • large-scale structure of the Universe
    • the cosmic X-ray background, X-ray binary pulsars, analysis of data from a range of observatories including Chandra, NuSTAR, XMM-Newton, Hubble, Spitzer and Herschel as well as ground-based spectroscopy

    Professional Experience and Positions

    AAS positions & dates: n/a

    Other relevant positions and experience:

    • Member of Science and Technology Definition Team for the X-ray Surveyor Mission Concept Study (2016-)
    • Organizer of five major international conference and workshops at Durham University and Dartmouth College (2010-2016)
    • Panelist for Guest Observer review for multiple NASA missions (Swift, Chandra, NuSTAR)
    • Panelist for NSF-AST proposal reviews (2013)
    • External grant and proposal reviewer for the NSF, German Research Foundation, European Research Commission, Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, South Africa National Research Foundation, CONICYT (Chile) and the Israel Science Foundation
    • Member of NRAO Science Review Panel (2014-2016)
    • Member of NOAO Extragalactic TAC (2011-2013)

    Candidate Statement

    The AAS is extraordinarily important to astronomy, as it both advocates our common interests and brings us together as a community. I attended my first of many Annual Meetings early in graduate school 13 years ago, and have always loved the common spirit of discovery that the AAS fosters. I would be excited by the opportunity to give back to the AAS as a member of the Nominating Committee.

    As astronomers, we are hugely fortunate to have achieved a remarkably rapid pace of discovery, and we have great opportunities on the horizon: new observational and computational facilities, progress in education and public communication, and a new generation of talented scientists entering the field. However we also some great challenges: securing the best possible resources for funding future science, maintaining strong relationships with the public, and perhaps most importantly, ensuring equal opportunities and a supportive environment for all members of the field.

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    Description: The President serves on the Council first as President-Elect (1 year), then as President (2 years), and finally as Past President (1 year). The President presides over Council meetings and the Annual Business Meeting, chairs the Executive Committee; represents the AAS at official functions and before other organizations; serves when required as official spokesperson for the AAS; and appoints members to various AAS committees.
    Term Elected For: President-Elect (1 year), President (2 years), Past President (1 year)
    Currently Serving:
    • Christine Jones, President
    • C. Megan Urry, Past President

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    Nicholas B. Suntzeff


    Professional Title/Position


    Degrees and Education

    PhD Astronomy, Board of Studies in Astronomy and Astrophysics, UC Santa Cruz (1980)


    Mitchell Institute for Fundamental Physics and Astronomy, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Texas A&M

    Research Areas, Topics, and Interests

    • Supernovae
    • Cosmology
    • Stellar populations and abundances
    • Fundamental calibration
    • Instrumentation
    • Public policy

    Professional Experience and Positions

    AAS positions & dates: 

    • AAS Councilor (2007-10)
    • Committee on Astronomy and Public Policy (2008-10)
    • AAS Vice President (2010-13)

    Other relevant positions & experience:

    National experience:

    • Carnegie/Las Campanas Fellow (1982-86)
    • Gemini Science Operations Working Group (1997)
    • NOAO TAC (1999-2003)
    • NOAO Director Search Committee (2000)
    • Dark Energy Task Force (2005-06)
    • Associate Director for Science, NOAO (2003-06)
    • Head & Professor, Astronomy Program, Texas A&M (2006+)
    • DOE review of LBNL Physics Division (2006-07)
    • DOE review of Stanford KIPAC (2007) DOE review of DEC at Fermilab (2007-08)
    • NASA NAC Astrophysics Panel (2008-10)
    • HST panels (1994,6,7,2005) and TAC (2008, 2016)
    • GSMT-SWG (2007-10)
    • GMT Board of Directors (2007-12)
    • Science Board for Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope (2009+)
    • AURA Member Board Representative (2015+)
    • Science Board Member, AdventGX Corporation (2008+)

    Washington DC experience:

    • US State Department, Jefferson Science Fellow (2010-2015)
    • Humanitarian Affairs Officer, Office of Human Rights, US State Department (2010-11)
    • US Delegate to UN International Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction (2010-11)
    • White House Committee on Disaster Risk Reduction (2010-11)
    • Humanitarian Affairs Consultant, US State Department (2011-15)

    International experience:

    • Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory Users’ Committee (1984-86)
    • NOAO/CTIO Staff Astronomer, La Serena, Chile (1986-2006)
    • CTIO TAC (1990-08)
    • Chilean Astronomy TAC (2000)
    • Chilean Gemini TAC (2004-08)
    • University Vancouver Physics Department Review (2008)

    Candidate Statement

    For 41 years as an AAS member, I have been fortunate to work in a science that inspires wonder among its participants and the public alike.

    The success of our meetings, the education office, the six divisions, the journals, and public outreach all attest to the strength of the Society leadership over the decades. Our community, however, also faces the same societal problems as our country — issues such as harassment and implicit bias, uncertainty of future employment, LGBT+ and gender issues, and unequal access to education, to name just a few.

    While maintaining the traditions of the Society, I wish to develop new ideas that address these issues. For example, we need to introduce job opportunities into geographically underrepresented places by sponsoring regional AAS meetings for undergraduates. This strategy would not only expose smaller colleges to the excitement of astronomy but stimulate the training of future high school instructors who can then teach astronomy as a core science. Another example: Now that graduate students have the right to collectively organize, they and postdocs deserve a voice through a permanent AAS commission.

    Then there is funding. I would bring an experience based on working with funding agencies, politicians, and civil societies in Austin, the State Department, Chile, and the United Nations. To make progress you must listen and work with people often of very different political views while maintaining focus on core issues.

    The next decade will be thrilling: exoplanets, JWST, LSST, astrostatistics, gravitational waves, and, as always in astronomy, discoveries undreamed of. Our work will continue to evoke wonder both within the community and without. I am honored to be considered for this office, and I would ardently welcome the opportunity to help lead AAS into a future where a commitment to social responsibility will be as inspiring as the science.

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    Todd Boroson


    Professional Title/Position

    Observatory Director

    Degrees and Education

    University of Arizona (1980)


    Las Cumbres Observatory

    Research Areas, Topics, and Interests

    • Quasars and AGN
    • Stellar populations and their evolution Instrumentation
    • Data analysis techniques
    • Time domain research techniques

    Professional Experience and Positions

    AAS positions & dates: 

    • Heineman Prize Committee (2007-2009, chair: 2009)
    • AAS Executive Officer Search Committee (2005)
    • Councilor (2003-2006)

    Other relevant positions and experience:

    • Member of NRC Committee on a Strategy to Optimize the U.S. OIR System in the Era of the LSST (2014)
    • Interim Director, NOAO (2007-2008)
    • Astronomy and Astrophysics Survey Committee – Member of Ground-based OIR Program Prioritization Panel (2010); Member of Survey Committee and Vice-Chair of Ground-based OIR Panel (2000)
    • Co-Chair of Organizing Committee for three community Workshops on the OIR System (2000, 2004, 2006)
    • Member of Committee on Astronomy and Astrophysics (1997-2000)

    Candidate Statement

    It is a great honor to be nominated for AAS president. But the only reason that I agreed to be a candidate is because I want the opportunity to give back to the field, the organization, and the community that I have enjoyed being a member of for the last 40 years. As a society (in both senses), we face some important challenges right now. The AAS should help to guide our members – particularly the younger ones – into and through successful careers. It should do this by running effective meetings, by advocating positions that amplify the voices of the membership, and by providing services that help our members understand and intelligently make the choices that face them.

    As president, I would continue the efforts for inclusiveness and diversity that Meg has taken on so effectively. I would make the AAS a strong voice in areas of public policy that affect the careers of society members. I would make sure that the work we do as astronomers is recognized and respected. And most of all, I would listen to you – because ultimately, the society’s success is measured by the satisfaction of the membership.

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    Megan Donahue


    Professional Title/Position

    Professor of Physics and Astrophysics

    Degrees and Education

    University of Colorado (1990)


    Michigan State University

    Research Areas, Topics, and Interests

    • Clusters of galaxies
    • Brightest cluster galaxies
    • Galaxy evolution and AGN feedback
    • Multi-wavelength observations (X-ray, UV, optical, IR)
    • Physics of diffuse gases
    • Astronomy education and scientific literacy

    Professional Experience and Positions

    AAS positions & dates:

    • AAS eBook Editorial Board (2016-1018)
      AAS Chambliss Book Award Committee (2010-2011, chair 2011)
    • AAS Councilor (2006-2008) - as an AAS Councilor, between 2006-2008, I served on the Appointments Committee, Committee on Astronomy in Public Policy, as the IAU US National Committe Category II member, and on the Annie Jump Cannon Award Committee (chair 2007).

    Other relevant positions and experience:

    • Self-employed textbook author, with Jeffrey Bennett, Nicholas Schneider, and Mark Voit, of The Cosmic Perspective series, introductory level undergraduate astronomy textbooks and Mastering Astronomy, published by Pearson (1999-present; 8th edition)
    • National Academy Committee for Astronomy and Astrophysics, member, 2012-2017
    • NASA Senior Review of extended missions other than HST and Chandra, chair, 2016
    • AURA Observatory Oversight Committee, member, 2016-2018.
    • South African Large Telescope Visiting Committee, member Oct. 2016.
    • Space Telescope Institute Visiting Committee, 2011-2015 (3 committees)
    • X-ray Surveyor Science and Technology Development Team, member, 2016-2020
    • Athena+ Science Working Group, US member, 2015-present
    • SOAR Science Working Group, MSU member, 2010-present
    • NAC/NRC Review of AFTA-WFIRST, member, 2014
    • AAAS Astronomy/Astrophysics elected as at-large representative, 2012-2015
    • Elected AAAS Fellow, 2012
    • WFIRST Science Definition Teams, member of all three teams, 2011-2015
    • IAU Office of Astronomy for Development Steering Committee, South Africa, member, 2010-2015
    • NASA Senior Review of all extended operating missions, member, 2012
    • National Academy 2010 Electromagnetic Observations from Space Prioritization Panel, member, 2009-2010
    • National Academy of Science/National Research Council Mid-term Astrophysics Decadal Review, member, 2006-2007
    • Joint Dark Energy Mission Science Definition Team, member, 2004-2005
    • XMM-Newton Users Group, member, 2003-2007
    • NASA GSFC Space Science Directorate Visiting Committee on Data Analysis and Archiving, member, 2002.
    • Chandra Users Committee, member, 1998-2001
    • High Energy Astrophysics Archive Users Group 1996-1999
    • NASA Astronomical Data Center / Astronomical Data Facility Steering Committiee, member, 1997-2002, last year as chair.
    • NASA Astrophysics Subcommittee, member, 1991-1995

    Proposal review service: Chandra (2016 LP, 2012 panel chair,2002,2000) XMM (2013 panel chair, 2011 chair), Suzaku (2015, 2011 panel chair), HST (2010 panel chair, 2008 member, 1998 HST Fellowship member ), NOAO (2014 panel chair, 2004-2006 member), NSF (2009 member, also 2001, 1996), NASA Einstein Fellowship (2010 chair, 2009 member,2000-when it whas a Chandra Fellowship), Spitzer 2004 member, Irish National Science Foundation (2007, member)

    Candidate Statement

    A thriving culture of scientific discovery is crucial for a well-functioning, informed society. The AAS’s mission, to enhance and share humanity’s scientific understanding of the universe, is accomplished through service to its membership, development, rigorous peer review, and dissemination of scientific innovation and discovery, and strong advocacy of science at the national level. As a society, we also share the adventure of science, by publicizing astronomical discoveries and the new perspectives they bring, with the rest of the world. I am honored to be nominated for AAS president, and my task will be to humbly serve the organization and its mission to the best of my abilities. I have advised both NASA and ground-based observatories, and I am passionate about research and education. I believe science and society benefit from open communication and the trust that results from those exchanges of perspectives. I would like to increase the reach of our meetings while reducing their carbon footprints and costs. I propose to increase AAS-supported outreach to underserved communities. We have hard work to do to meet the challenges ahead, from shrinking science budgets to meeting our own high standards for opportunities for all. The Earth as a pale blue dot is a powerful image of fragility but also hope. We can make a difference if we work together.
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    Description: The Vice-Presidents, as representatives of the Council, are responsible for the overall scientific content of the Society's major meetings. They select invited speakers, review proposals for special sessions, and support and advise the Executive Officer in maintaining the scientific quality of the program. The two senior VPs serve on the Executive Committee.
    Term Elected For: 3 years
    Currently Serving:
    • Jack O. Burns, Senior Vice-President
    • Chick Woodward, Second Vice-President
    • James D. Lowenthal, Third Vice-President

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    Joan Schmelz


    Professional Title/Position

    Arecibo Observatory Deputy Director

    Degrees and Education

    Penn State (1987)


    Universities Space Research Association (USRA)

    Research Areas, Topics, and Interests

    I have published papers on a variety of astronomical subjects including stars, galaxies, interstellar matter, and the Sun. This research involved observations in the radio, infrared, optical, UV, and X-ray astronomy; in fact in every band of the spectrum except gamma rays. I have used both ground-based and space-based telescopes. I have worked in academia, at NASA and NSF, and my current position is with USRA, an independent nonprofit research corporation, operating the Arecibo Observatory.

    Professional Experience and Positions

    AAS positions & dates:

    • Committee on the Status of Women in Astronomy: Chair (2009-15); member (2004-15)
    • AAS Nominating Committee Chair (2012-13); member (2010-13)
    • CSWA STATUS Magazine Acquisitions Editor (2011-present)
    • CSWA newsletter: AASWOMEN Editor (2005-12)
    • Women in Astronomy Blogspot Blogger (2009-16)
    • AAS Solar Physics Division Annual Meeting Chair LOC and SOC (1995)
    • AAS Solar Physics Division Treasurer (2001-10)
    • AAS Solar Physics Division Annual Meeting SOC (2003)

    Other relevant positions & experience:

    • NSF Mathematics and Physics Sciences Directorate Broadening Participation Working Group Chair (2014-15); Member (2013-15)
    • COSPAR Commission E: Astrophysics Vice Chair (2010-16)
    • COSPAR SubCommission E.2: Sun as at Star Chair (2006-10)
    • COSPAR 2008 Program Committee Commission E Representative (2007)
    • COSPAR, Scientific Session Deputy Organizer (2002)
    • NASA Space Sciences Senior Review Panel Member (2003)
    • COSPAR International Meeting, Scientific Session Deputy Organizer (2004)
    • Astronomy and Astrophysics Decadal Survey, Astro2010 DemographicsStudy Group
    • NASA Solar-Heliophysics Mission Operations Working Group (2008-10)
    • Coronal Loops IV Workshop – Florence, Italy SOC Chair (2009)
    • Coronal Loops V Workshop – Mallorca, Spain SOC Member (2011)
    • Coronal Loops Workshop Steering Committee Member (2010-12)
    • 7th Hinode Science Meeting – Takayama, Japan SOC member (2013)

    Candidate Statement

    I have been an AAS member since 1982 and consider it to be my professional home. The organization can boast of many successes, but it also faces challenges – inclusion, jobs, funding. As the Deputy Director of Arecibo Observatory, I see the struggle for rare research dollars every day. As a former NSF program officer, I worked with students and postdocs as they navigated the job market. As Chair of CSWA, I was rewarded with the knowledge that I had made a difference in the lives of many women struggling with sexual harassment. My efforts were recognized by NATURE who listed me as one of 10 scientists who made a difference in 2015. With the honor of your vote, I will continue to fight to create a professional environment for all astronomers, and I will work to position the AAS and the astronomy community as we prepare for Astro 2020. Throughout my career I have always tried to make a difference, for my students, for my organization, and for my profession. As your VP I will strive to make a difference in the lives of all our members by making the society the best that it can be.
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    Michael Strauss


    Professional Title/Position

    Professor and Associate Chair

    Degrees and Education

    University of California, Berkeley (1989)


    Princeton University

    Research Areas, Topics, and Interests

    • Extragalactic astronomy and cosmology, including galaxy and quasar evolution
    • large-scale structure, wide-field imaging and spectroscopic surveys

    Professional Experience and Positions

    AAS positions & dates: N/A

    Other relevant positions & experience: N/A

    • Sloan Digital Sky Survey Spokesperson, 2003-2005
    • Sloan Digital Sky Survey Deputy Project Scientist, 2001-2005
    • Chair, NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database (NED) Users Committee, 2006-present
    • Chair Large Synoptic Survey Telescope Science Advisory Committee, 2014-present
    • Member of the TAC for multiple cycles of HST and Spitzer Space Telescope
    • Have sat on multiple advisory committees for NOAO and other observational facilities

    Candidate Statement

    The tremendous growth of the American astronomical community, and the advent of amazing new tools for our research: large-scale surveys, large-aperture telescopes, and powerful computers, have made our field more vibrant than ever before, but bring new challenges. How does a once-small community transition to a much larger and diverse society? How do we encourage and build upon that diversity, and how do we address the fact that the membership of the AAS does not reflect the demographics of the country as a whole? As astronomy broadens thematically, and our students explore an ever-widening range of career possibilities, are we giving them the training they need to succeed? How do we address the very real problems in our community with harassment and worse of women, and under-representation of and discrimination against minorities? As Vice-President, I will use the bi-annual meetings of the AAS as a forum to discuss these and other challenges, and to lead by example in the structure of the talks, the selection of speakers, and the themes of the sessions.
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    Susana Deustua


    Professional Title/Position

    Associate Scientist

    Degrees and Education

    U. Michigan-Ann Arbor (1992)


    Space Telescope Science Institute

    Research Areas, Topics, and Interests

    • Observational extragalactic astronomy
    • Supernova cosmology calibration
    • Absolute spectrophotometric calibration astronomy education
    • Education research, outreach

    Professional Experience and Positions

    AAS positions & dates:

    • Director of Education (2002-2008)
    • Astronomy Education Board (2002-2008)
    • Nominating Committee (2010-2013), Chair (2012)
    • Co-I, AAS/AIP Longitudinal Survey of Astronomy Graduate Students (2007- present)

    Other relevant positions and experience:

    • Vice-President, IAU Division C (Education, Outreach and Heritage), 2015-2018
    • AUI-NRAO EPO Advisory Council Member (2016-present)
    • Co-Chair, VLASS Education and Outreach Working Group (2014-present)
    • Network for Astronomy School Education (2009-present)
    • Science Coordination Group for JDEM (2008-2009)
    • IAU IYA2009 Executive Working Group (2007-2010)
    • Co-chair US IYA 2009 (2006-2010)
    • AAS Harlow Shapley Lecturer (2006-present)
    • JDEM Science Definition Team (2004-2007)

    Candidate Statement

    A vibrant Astronomical Society enables all to share experiences, exchange ideas and communicate results on the many topics and issues that reflect the varied and intersecting interests of the astronomical community - from straight up astronomical research, professional scientific conduct, careers, technology, instrumentation and more. Our AAS Vice Presidents, as representatives of the Council, are responsible for organizing the content and conduct of the semi-annual meetings, which are so vital to our profession. The Society and our profession have changed significantly in the last decade in all respects: new technologies allow ever-larger telescopes and instrumentation, how we carry out research is different (large surveys, big data), astronomy education is mainstream. Who we are (demographics) is also changing. I will work to promote a dynamic and relevant Society, incorporating evidence-based changes (AAS Meeting Task Force report, Demographics Survey) endeavoring that our Society provide each one of us with the professional and respectful environment for participation as well as reflect the range of activity and diversity in the astronomical sciences, mindful of intersectional factors. For example, while Director of Education, the number of education sessions at the meetings more than doubled and the popular weekend sessions were implemented. It will be an honor and a pleasure to serve the AAS.
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    Description: The Treasurer is responsible for the financial affairs of the Society and keeps full and accurate accounts of receipts and disbursements in the Society's books. The Treasurer deposits or invests all monies or other valuable effects in the name of the Society in such depositories or investments as are selected by the Council. The Treasurer prepares an annual report to the Council on the financial condition of the Society and secures regular audits of the Society's financial operations.
    Term Elected For: 3 years
    Currently Serving:
    • Nancy Morrison

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    Nancy Morrison


    Professional Title/Position

    Professor of Astronomy, Emerita

    Degrees and Education

    University of Hawaii (1975)


    The University of Toledo
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    Description: As members of the governing board of the AAS, Councilors have the legal responsibility to manage, direct, and control the affairs and property of the Society. Within the limits of the Bylaws, the Council determines the policies of the Society and changes to them, and it has discretion in the disbursement of the Society's funds.
    Term Elected For: 3 years
    Currently Serving:
    • Kelly Holley-Bockelmann
    • Buell T. Jannuzi
    • Stephen C. Unwin
    • Daniela Calzetti
    • Sally Oey
    • Nancy Chanover
    • Adam Burgasser
    • Jenny E. Greene
    • Jessica Kirkpatrick

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    Karen J. Meech


    Professional Title/Position


    Degrees and Education

    MIT (1987)


    Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii

    Research Areas, Topics, and Interests

    • Astrobiology
    • Origin of Earth's water
    • Early solar system volatiles
    • Comets
    • Space mission development

    Professional Experience and Positions

    AAS positions & dates: 

    • DPS Committee member (1996-1999)
    • USNC-IAU Committee member (1998-2001)
    • DPS Subcommittee on Professional Climate and Culture member (2016-2017)

    Other relevant positions & experience:

    • IAU Commission 51 (Bioastronomy) Vice President (1999-2001)
    • IAU Commission 51 (Bioastronomy) President (2002-2005)
    • IAU Division III (Planetary Systems) Vice President (2006-2009)
    • IAU Division III President (2009-2012)
    • AAVSO (American Association of Variable Star Observers) Council Member (2002-2008)
    • NASA Astrobiology Institute Executive Council member (2004-2014)
    • NOAO User's Committee, member (2013-present)
    • Nordic Network of Astrobiology, US Representative (2009-present)
    • TMT Science Working group member (2014-present)
    • Gemini Users Committee, member (2016-2019)
    • PSL Research University, Paris (Origins of Life), International Assessment committee member (2016-2019)
    • TMT Science Advisory Committee, AURA Representative (2016-present)

    Candidate Statement

    We are in an exciting time for astronomical research with new big facilities being planned, and new all sky surveys producing data, and coming on line in the near future. At the same time, we are also in an era where it is harder and harder to secure individual grants to fund the research that can be accomplished with these facilities. Science has been evolving to make use of big data in new collaborative projects, and we also need to look at how to evolve in order to best ensure that the next generation of scientists can sustain their research financially.

    If elected, I am bringing a variety of experiences and perspectives related to the changing research environment, and I will work with the AAS to help foster opportunities for the next generation of scientists. One key to this may be in highlighting new skills for early career scientists (for example, we are beginning to teach grant writing to our graduate students at the University of Hawaii), while at the same time promoting the increasing importance of skills related to communicating the science that we do to the public and to congress.
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    Kelsey Johnson


    Professional Title/Position

    Associate Professor

    Degrees and Education

    University of Colorado (2001)


    University of Virginia

    Research Areas, Topics, and Interests

    Johnson's research is primarily aimed at understanding the interplay between star formation, galaxy interactions, and galaxy evolution. Her current research program is heavily focused on using ALMA observations to determine the physical conditions associated with different modes of star formation and super star clusters in particular. She also has on-going projects that study the impact of the compact group environment on galaxy evolution, the role of dwarf-dwarf galaxy interactions over cosmic time, the presence of AGN in dwarf galaxies, the importance of feedback from Wolf-Rayet stars, and star formation in "normal" galaxies.

    Professional Experience and Positions

    AAS positions & dates: 

    • AAS member (1997-present)
    • Invited guest to observe AAS Council Meeting (2005)
    • Beatrice M. Tinsley Prize Committee (2007-2009)
    • Interview for AAS "STATUS" publication (2010)
    • Table host for AAS Undergraduate Receptions (2010-2016)

    Other relevant positions & experience:

    • Astronomy and Astrophysics Advisory Committee (2016-present)
    • Board Member, Astronomical Society of the Pacific (2013-present)
    • Director, Dark Skies Bright Kids program (2009 present)

    Selected National/International Committees: 

    • JWST Advisory Committee (2016-present)
    • Treasurer and Chair of Astronomical Society of the Pacific Finance Committee (2016-present)
    • Chair, HST Time Allocation Committee, Extragalactic Panel (2014)
    • ALMA International Science Advisory Committee (2008-2014)
    • ALMA North America Science Advisory Committee (2005-2014)
    • ALMA Sustainable Energy Working Group (2012-2014)
    • Chair, ALMA International Science Advisory Committee (2011-2012)
    • Vice Chair, ALMA International Science Advisory Committee (2010-2011)
    • ALMA International Science Advisory Committee (extended term 2008-2015)
    • NSF Committee of Visitors, AST Division (2005)

    Selected Review Panels:

    • Co-Chair of Astronomical Society of the Pacific Awards Committee (2015-2016)
    • Chair, ALMA Time Allocation Committee, Extragalactic Panel (2015, 2016)
    • Chair, HST Time Allocation Committee, Extragalactic Panel (2014)
    • NOAO Time Allocation Committee (2010-2014)
    • NASA Postdoctoral Fellowship (2009, 2013)
    • NRAO/GBT Student Support Committee (2004-2012)
    • NSF CCAT Review (2011)
    • Hubble Space Telescope panel member (2005, 2010)
    • NSF AAG Panel (2002, 2009)
    • Chair, Spitzer Space Telescope panel (2009)
    • NRAO Green Bank Director Search Committee (2009)
    • NRAO VLA Director Search Committee (2007)
    • Spitzer Space Telescope panel member (2006)
    • NSF CAREER panel member (2005)

    Candidate Statement

    I am honored to be considered for the AAS council. I believe the importance of Astronomy as a "gateway" science has never been greater, and as professional astronomers we have an essential role in combating science illiteracy as well as advancing the forefront of knowledge. As a member of the AAS council I would have three main goals: 1) help our community navigate the ebb and flow of science funding and work toward sustaining our long-term health and stability, 2) work toward increased science literacy among both the public and policy makers, and 3) contribute to the role of the AAS in creating a diverse work force both within and outside of academia. If elected, I would be simultaneously serving on the AAS Council, the AAAC, and the ASP Board (which have complementary major areas of strength in research, policy, and education), and I would strive to leverage the connections between these groups. Thank you for considering my nomination.
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    Kelle Cruz


    Professional Title/Position

    Assistant Professor

    Degrees and Education

    University of Pennsylvania (2004)


    CUNY Hunter College & American Museum of Natural History

    Research Areas, Topics, and Interests

    • Brown dwarfs
    • Low-mass stars
    • Stellar activity
    • Star and planet evolution
    • Dusty atmospheres
    • Optical & infrared spectroscopy

    Professional Experience and Positions

    AAS positions & dates: 

    • Employment Committee Chair (2012–present)
    • AAS Agent (2014–present)
    • Employment Committee Member (2010–2012)

    Other relevant positions & experience:

    • NSF Committee of Visitors for Div. of Astronomical Sciences (2014)

    Candidate Statement

    I have been involved with the AAS for many years and am interested in expanding my role as a Councilor to continue helping the Society serve the members, graduate students and postdocs in particular. As the founder and editor of the AstroBetter Blog and Wiki (http://AstroBetter.com), I have extensive experience in developing collaborative resources for astronomers and fostering our sense of community. As a female, hispanic, first generation college graduate, and a professor in an urban public university, I am intimately familiar with the challenges and rewards in our field for minoritized astronomers at every career stage. As Chair of the EC, my most notable accomplishment is the expansion of the professional development workshops at the Winter AAS Meeting, including the introduction of more computing topics. As a Councilor, I will continue to push towards de-stigmatizing non-academic careers, empowering our junior members, establishing an alumni net work, and making our profession more inclusive. My priority will be to work on updating our policies and procedures to become a more productive and agile organization. I look forward to joining the Council and supporting the next steps in our growth.
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    Terry D. Oswalt


    Professional Title/Position

    Professor & Chair (Eng. Phys., Space Phys., Astron. & Astrophys. programs)

    Degrees and Education

    The Ohio State University (1981)


    Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (USRA)

    Research Areas, Topics, and Interests

    • Binary stars
    • Stellar evolution
    • Minor planets & comets
    • Astronomy education & outreach
    • History of astronomy

    Professional Experience and Positions

    AAS positions & dates:

    • Shapley Lecturer (1990-present)
    • Bok Award Judge (1990-2007)
    • Working Group on Amateur-Professional Collaboration (2000-4) founding member
    • Van Biesbroeck Award Committee 2006-9
    • Nominations Committee 2011-4 (Chair 2013)
    • In addition, many years of general AAS service, e.g., session speaker, reviewing small grant proposals, sorting meeting abstracts, chairing sessions, small grant reviewer, etc.

    Other relevant positions & experience:

    • Member, AAS & AAS Div. of Planetary Sci., (1980-present)
    • Member IAU, 1989-present (Com. 26 Binary Stars; 46 Variable Stars; 52 Astron. Ed.)
    • IAU Commission CG.1 (Binary & Multiple Stars) Scientific Organizing Committee (2015-2018)
    • Chairman, Southeastern Association for Research in Astronomy (1990-present)
    • Director, SARA Research Experiences for Undergraduates Program (1996-1998)
    • NSF, Program Officer for Stellar Astronomy & Astrophysics (1998-2000)
    • Council on Undergraduate Research, Physics & Astronomy Councilor (2000-present): Nominating Committee, Advocacy Committee, and CUR liaison for the AAS statement on undergraduate research), CUR Division Chair and E-Board representative (2016-2018)
    • AAS Historical Astron. Div. (2008-present)
    • NOAO Telescope Allocation Committee (2013-2015)
    • NASA Science Mission Directorate Astrophysics Subcommittee (2012-2014)

    Candidate Statement

    If elected AAS Councilor, I will work hard to better engage our membership and to ensure their interests and priorities are represented within the governance of the AAS on several fronts. We should engage more early career astronomers (especially those in “nontraditional” positions) in AAS activities and increase our Society's service to this, the majority segment of our profession. The AAS should also expand efforts to improve the diversity, equity and safety of those in our profession. I have a special interest the AAS advocacy for undergraduate engagement in research, its incorporation into curricula, and for better governmental support for astronomical research in general. We should also seek closer collaborations with other professional organizations, societies, the media and funding agencies that have interests in bringing the excitement of scientific discovery to the public. Finally, as the astronomical community prepares for a new generation of ground- and space-based facilities and a decadal discussion of scientific priorities, the AAS should provide an effective conduit and venues for the astronomical community's input to the relevant planning committees.
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    Peter M. Frinchaboy


    Professional Title/Position

    Associate Professor of Physics & Astronomy

    Degrees and Education

    University of Virginia (2006)


    Texas Christian University (USRA)

    Research Areas, Topics, and Interests

    • Galactic astronomy
    • gStar clusters
    • Chemical evolution of galaxies
    • Stellar spectroscopy
    • Binary stars
    • Survey science

    Professional Experience and Positions

    AAS positions & dates:

    • AAS Agent (2014-Present)
    • AAS Congressional Visits Day (2016)
    • AAS Department Chairs Meeting Representative (2014, 2016)
    • Society Member (1999-present)

    Other relevant positions & experience:

    • Sloan Digital Sky Survey IV (SDSS-IV) Survey Coordinator & Management Committee member (2012-2020)
    • Sloan Digital Sky Survey III (SDSS-III) APOGEE Survey Operations Manager
    • NSF and NASA review panels (2009-present)
    • TCU REU Program Director (2010-2012, 2013-present)
    • TCU Graduate Program Director (2015-present)

    Candidate Statement

    As a member of the Society for 17 years, I have come to learn and benefit from many aspects of Society's work, from meetings and travel grants to Journals and Congressional visits. The AAS has a key role in politically and publicly supporting the field and AAS meetings provide a key venue for training the next generation scientists, educators, and more.

    As a council member, I would endeavor to make the AAS an organization that supports the financial and political backing of the field, provides first-rate Journals, enhances public outreach and education, and provides safe and enriching Society meetings. Specifically, I would advocate for increased efforts to increase inclusion and vocally support our minority members in difficult times. The AAS needs to support training, opportunities, and access for all scientists from diverse backgrounds. As an REU director with diverse students from small colleges, I have learned from my students how many barriers there in "learning to navigate the field", increased efforts to engage these junior members at meetings are needed. Continued development of connections and training with astronomers in industry, where many of our juniors members will actually find their careers, will be key for the future of the AAS.

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    Marcel Agüeros


    Professional Title/Position

    Assistant Professor

    Degrees and Education

    University of Washington (2006)


    Columbia University

    Research Areas, Topics, and Interests

    • Stellar astrophysics
    • Time-domain astronomy
    • Multiwavelength surveys

    Professional Experience and Positions

    AAS positions & dates: N/A

    Other relevant positions & experience:

    • Member, National Science Foundation Division of Astronomical Sciences Portfolio Review Committee (2011-2012)
    • Director, Columbia University Bridge to the Ph.D. Program in the Natural Sciences (2010-present)
    • Reviewer for various NSF programs, NASA Post-doctoral Fellowship, CONICYT (Chile) and FWO (Belgium) proposals

    Candidate Statement

    Getting the two signatures for my AAS junior membership form is a moment I remember clearly, a key step on the road to saying "I am an astronomer" confidently. I'd like to serve on the AAS council to give back to an organization that does many things very well, and to help it address some clear weaknesses. Among the latter, the most concerning may be the growing distance between our society and some of our junior colleagues, for whom joining an astronomy Facebook group may seem more valuable (and affirming!) than joining the AAS. One piece of this, I believe, is that the AAS must continue the difficult and indispensable conversations about how to develop a community culture that is welcoming and nurturing, thereby placing itself at the forefront of advocacy not just for astronomy, but for astronomers. In addition, although I can't prove this, I suspect that the AAS's current structure is unwieldy, with diluted decision-making that limits the organization's ability to respond effectively to crises or opportunities. As a councilor, another of my priorities would therefore be improving governance so that the AAS can be nimbler. Thank you for your consideration.
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    Michael West


    Professional Title/Position

    Deputy Director for Science

    Degrees and Education

    Yale University (1987)


    Lowell Observatory (USRA)
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    John (Jay) S. Gallagher lll


    Professional Title/Position

    W. W. Morgan & Rupple Bascom Professor of Astronomy

    Degrees and Education

    University of Wisconsin-Madison (1972)


    Department of Astronomy, University of Wisconsin-Madison
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