HEAD Executive Committee Member
Description: The Committee of the Division (hereinafter called the Committee) shall consist of the Officers of the Division, the available Past-Chair whose term has most recently expired provided this officer has served the full term, and six Committee Members. All members of the Committee shall be members of the Division of the Society. The Committee shall have general charge of the affairs of the Division, and through the Chair or Secretary shall report the activities and needs of the Division to the Council of the Society. The Committee Members shall also serve, in addition to their other duties described in this Article, as the Selection Committee for the Bruno Rossi Prize awarded by the Division, as described in Article XII. The terms of office shall be three years for Committee Members.
Term Elected For: January 2016 - January 2019
Currently Serving:
- Daryl Haggard
- Henric Krawczynski
- Daniel Wang
- Mark Bautz
- Elizabeth Hays
- Colleen Wilson-Hodge
Please select up to 2 option(s).
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W. Niel Brandt
Degrees and Education
- Ph.D., Astronomy, University of Cambridge, 1996
- B.S., Physics, Caltech, 1992
Penn State University
Research Areas, Topics, and Interests
AGNs, Cosmic Surveys, Galaxies, X-ray Binaries, LSST
Professional Experience and Positions
- V.M. Willaman Professor of Astronomy & Astrophysics and Professor of Physics, The Pennsylvania State University, 1997-2015
- Postdoctoral Researcher, Harvard-Smithsonian CfA, 1996-1997
Selected Relevant Experience:
- Science definition team member for X-ray missions planned and under development.
- Regular scientific organizing committee member for international conferences and workshops.
- Supervisor of more than 30 postdoctoral researchers and students.
- Chair of the Science Collaboration on Active Galactic Nuclei and the Interest Group on Deep Drilling Fields for LSST.
- Member of the Executive Committee for the Mid-Atlantic Section (2014-2015) and the Astrophysics Division (2006-2008) of the APS.
- Chair and member of the AAS Warner/Pierce Prize Committee (2009-2011).
- Regular reviewer of grants, observation proposals, dossiers, and national reports.
Regular teacher of courses on high-energy astrophysics, black holes, and active galaxies (1997-2015).
- Lead instructor for summer outreach workshops for high-school teachers on galaxies, cosmology, and black holes (2000-2015).
Candidate Statement
High-energy astrophysics remains a major worldwide activity with fantastic discoveries appearing weekly from multiple space-based and ground-based observatories. I will work to ensure that these discoveries are strongly represented at HEAD, AAS, APS, and other meetings, so that they will be appreciated broadly across astronomy and physics. HEAD meetings, in particular, need to remain high-profile, attractive events in order to maintain the scientific vitality of our field, support future mission proposals, and boost the profiles of our outstanding young researchers seeking long-term positions. I will also ensure that the HEAD Prizes highlight some of our community's best work, so that it gets the highest visibility possible. HEAD activities must continue to broaden into new areas and take full advantage of the exponential growth of information technology that continues to transform our world radically at an accelerating rate; I have interacted substantially with some relevant communities here. For example, LSST and other leading deep-wide-fast surveys have great complementarity with HEAD missions, and their ability to survey massive cosmic volumes for rare events will let them address scientific topics that have traditionally fallen into the domain of high-energy astrophysics. Working with the Executive Committee, I will as appropriate promote HEAD's great achievements to those funding our scientific/outreach endeavors and the press.
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David R. Ballantyne
Degrees and Education
- B.Sc. Physics & Astronomy (1998) Univ. of Victoria
- M.Sc. Astronomy & Physics (1999) Univ. of Toronto
- Ph.D. Astronomy (2002) Univ. of Cambridge
Georgia Institute of Technology
Research Areas, Topics, and Interests
Accretion disks, AGN evolution, X-ray spectroscopy and surveys, X-ray bursts from neutron stars
Professional Experience and Positions
- 2002-05 Postdoctoral Fellow, CITA
- 2005-08 Prize Fellowship in Theoretical Astrophysics, Univ. of Arizona
- 2008-14 Assistant Professor, Center for Relativistic Astrophysics, Georgia Tech
- 2014-present Associate Professor, Center for Relativistic Astrophysics, Georgia Tech
- 2015-present NASA-nominated member of Athena Study Science Team Working Group on Supermassive Black Hole Evolution
- 2007-present Member, NuSTAR Science Team
- 2006-present Member, LSST Science Collaboration on AGNs
- 2014-2015 Member, LOFT Working Group on Type 1 X-ray Bursts
Candidate Statement
It remains an exciting time to work in high-energy astrophysics. The satellite-based observatories in X-rays and gamma-rays continue to provide astonishing new data, and ground-based (or even under-ground-based) experiments are shedding light on the most energetic regions of the Universe. In the coming years, spectro-polarimetry missions and gravitational-wave detections will provide revolutionary changes in our understanding of our favorite sources. My research background and experiences has given me a broad perspective of many aspects of our field of study, and, if elected to the HEAD EC, I will work to represent the scientific interests of the entire high-energy community. By strengthening the ties to all areas of high-energy astrophysics, we can clearly demonstrate that our field of science is growing, youthful and vigorous. I believe this path will yield positive outcomes in resources that will benefit our entire community.
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Laura Lopez
Degrees and Education
- SB, Physics, MIT, 2004
- MS, Astronomy & Astrophysics, UC Santa Cruz 2007
- PhD, Astronomy & Astrophysics, UC Santa Cruz, 2011 (PhD Advisor: Enrico Ramirez-Ruiz)
The Ohio State University
Research Areas, Topics, and Interests
Supernova Remnants, Compact Objects, the Interstellar Medium, X-ray and Gamma-ray Observations
Professional Experience and Positions
- NASA Einstein Postdoctoral Fellow and Pappalardo Fellow in Physics, MIT, 2011-2014
- NASA Hubble Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard-Smithsonian CfA, 2014-2015
- Assistant Professor of Astronomy, The Ohio State University, 2015-Present
Candidate Statement
As a HEAD executive committee member, I will promote the exciting research across high-energy astrophysics as well as encourage broadened participation and engagement from the wider astronomy community. I will champion the continued and remarkable contributions of existing observing facilities (e.g., Chandra, XMM-Newton, NuSTAR, Swift, Fermi, Veritas, HESS, LIGO), and I will publicize the benefits and science cases of future missions (e.g., Astro-H, eROSITA, X-ray polarimeters). Furthermore, I will aim to build stronger ties between high-energy observers and theorists through dedicated topical sessions and discussions at meetings. Finally, as a junior member of the HEAD EC, I will serve to get early career researchers excited about and involved with HEAD, helping to ensure the longterm relevance and success of the division.
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Deirdre Shoemaker
Georgia Institute of Technology
Research Areas, Topics, and Interests
general relativity, gravitational waves, numerical relativity
Written Biography
Deirdre Shoemaker investigates the astrophysics of binary black hole systems by solving the equations of Einstein's theory of general relativity, using numerical simulations to predict the characteristics of the gravitational waves emitted. Shoemaker received her bachelor's degree in physics in 1994 from Penn State and her doctoral degree in physics in 1999 from the University of Texas at Austin. She was a postdoctoral fellow at Penn State and Cornell University before joining the physics faculty at Penn State in 2004. In 2008 she joined the physics faculty at the Georgia Institute of Technology and was promoted to associate professor in 2011. She is the Director of Center for Relativistic Astrophysics, the Chair of the Topical Group on Gravitation for the APS, and was named fellow of the American Physical Society in 2014.
Candidate Statement
Members of HEAD research a wide variety of phenomena in astronomy and astrophysics, covering "high energy events, particles, quanta, relativistic gravitational fields, and related phenomena in the astrophysical universe." As gravitational wave detectors move into their observational era, HEAD has an exciting opportunity to represent and promote the results from multi-messenger astronomy that may be forthcoming. As a member of the HEAD executive committee, I would work toward representing the gravitational wave astronomy community, many of whom are already members of HEAD, and encourage a greater participation.
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John Kovac
Center for Research Excellence in Space Science and Technology, Goddard Space Flight Center
Research Areas, Topics, and Interests
Observational Cosmology, particularly Cosmic Microwave Background, Radio Astronomy
Written Biography
Dr. John M. Kovac is Associate Professor of Astronomy and Physics at Harvard University. His cosmology research focuses on observations of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) to test models of early-universe cosmology and to probe the nature of dark matter, dark energy, and neutrino physics. His research over the past two decades has involved the design, deployment, and operation of nine generations of CMB telescopes. In 2002 his PhD work, with John Carlstrom on the DASI project, included the first detection of polarization of the CMB. He currently co-leads the BICEP and Keck Array series of experiments and is active in organizing community-wide planning for "Stage-4" CMB surveys of the next decade.
Candidate Statement
High energy astrophysics connections to frontiers in fundamental physics and cosmology have grown ever stronger in recent years. Exciting observational progress on many fronts has focused the attention of an expanding community on the universe as the best laboratory for beyond-standard-model physics. Frontiers span a huge variety of observational approaches complementary to traditional high energy missions, among them direct radio imaging of event horizon-scale phenomena, cosmological surveys that probe neutrino physics and the particle nature of dark matter, CMB observations of cluster physics and high energy physics in the very early universe. If elected to the committee I hope to bring a helpful perspective as an observational cosmologist and instrumentationalist, and to help continue to advance the goals of the Division and the health of high energy astrophysics as a diverse and vibrant field that continues to bear on the most fundamental of questions accessible to astronomy.
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