DDA 2015 Election

Division on Dynamical Astronomy Election Ballot 2015 - Voting Ends on 20 March, 2015 at 11:59 PM (Eastern Time Zone)


The 2015 election for Vice Chair, Treasurer, and Committee-persons is now open, and will close on 20 March 2015.

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Current time: Wednesday, 12 March 2025, 07:23:53 am EDT (-04:00 GMT)

Voting opened: Friday, 13 March 2015, 12:01:00 am EDT (-04:00 GMT)
Voting closed: Friday, 20 March 2015, 11:59:59 pm EDT (-04:00 GMT)

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Vice Chair

  • Serves on SOC for division meetings
  • finds site for meeting two years hence
Term Elected For: 2015-2016
Currently Serving: Kelly Holley-Bockelmann

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Nader Haghighipour


Professional Title/Position

Associate Astronomer

Degrees and Education

  • University of Missouri, 1999


  • Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii-Manoa

Research Areas, Topics, and Interests

Formation and dynamical evolution of solar system bodies and extrasolar planets; Formation, detection and characterization of habitable planets; Planet formation and detection in multiple star systems; celestial mechanics; Habitability and habitable zone; Astrobiology

Services, Roles, and Activities

  • Division on Dynamical Astronomy: Committee Member (2010-2012)

Professional Experience and Positions

  • Vice President of IAU Division F (Planetary Systems and Bioastronomy) (2012-2015)
  • Member of Organizing Committee of IAU Commission 51 (Bioastronomy) (2012-2015)
  • Member of Organizing Committee of IAU Commission 7 (Celestial Mechanics) (2012-2015)

Candidate Statement

The last two decades have witnessed unprecedented progress in dynamical astronomy. Thanks to advances in detection technology and data received from space missions, groundbreaking discoveries have extended the frontiers of research in our field to limits unimaginable before. As the AAS authority in dynamical astronomy, the DDA has the potential for playing a strong role in promoting research in this area and in supporting current and future projects that further the progress and developments of our field. The latter will constitute the foundation of my efforts if I am elected vice-chair of our division. I have extensive experience serving on scientific advisory committees in the US and throughout Europe. I also have served as the vice-president of the IAU Division F (Planetary Science) for the past three years, and have over a decade experience in organizing scientific conferences. I am determined to fully utilize my experience in running the matters of our division, promoting our research activities, ensuring participation and contribution from all branches of dynamical astronomy (e.g., in the form of diversity of invited speakers), continuing DDA’s strong support of students and young researchers, and enhancing the visibility of our division both nationally and internationally.

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Monica Valluri


Professional Title/Position

Associate Research Professor

Degrees and Education

  • Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, 1994


  • University of Michigan

Research Areas, Topics, and Interests

Galactic dynamics including dynamical modeling of observations of galactic nuclei with supermassive black holes, studies of non-linear dynamics and the effects of chaos on the evolution of collisionless systems, dynamical modeling of the Milky Way Galaxy from kinematics of halo field stars. In recent years I have focused on two main areas: studies of the dynamical structure of barred galaxies containing supermassive black holes and the phase space structure and distribution of galactic stellar and dark matter halos.

Services, Roles, and Activities

  • Committee member 2009-2011

Professional Experience and Positions

As member of the DDA committee in 2009-2011 I chaired the subcommittee that conducted a survey of the membership.

Candidate Statement

Celestial mechanics and Galactic dynamics have recently witnessed a revival. This revival has been fueled by the discovery of hundreds of new exo-planetary system with properties quite different from those of the solar system, and by observational surveys of Milky Way’s disks, bulge and stellar halo which has revolutionize our understanding of the structure and formation history of our Galaxy. This explosion of data will continue through the next decade making this a perfect time to reimagine the role of the DDA in the astrophysics community. I have personally witnessed a steady decline in participation in the DDA by galactic dynamicists. In 2009-2011 I helped to conduct a survey of the DDA membership which resulted in several suggestions to increase the importance of the Division and ways to make DDA meetings attractive to a broader audience. The history of the DDA written by R.L. Duncombe (on the DDA website) indicates that this is not the first time that the Division has had to work harder to broaden its appeal. If elected I will endeavor to broaden the membership of the DDA and increase the participation in our annual meetings.

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  • Submits annual financial report
  • Serves on LOC for division meetings
  • Handles logistics for telecoms
Term Elected For: 2015-2017
Currently Serving: William I. Newman

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Alice K. B. Monet


Professional Title/Position


Degrees and Education

  • Ph.D., University of Virginia, 1984


  • U.S. Naval Obs. (retired)

Research Areas, Topics, and Interests

My research interests include the study of the Earth's orientation in space, modeling variations in latitude, and predicting variations in the length of day. I made use of data from and in some case made observations with photographic zenith tubes, satellite and lunar laser ranging, and very long baseline interferometry. At the USNO Flagstaff Station, I participated in the stellar parallax program and CCD astrometry of solar system objects. I made astrometric measurements of near Earth asteroids, working with Ted Bowell of Lowell Observatory, and of asteroids, comets, and planetary satellites in support of a series of NASA/JPL solar system missions. I was always actively involved in education and public outreach, and have continued with this effort since retiring in 2010.

Services, Roles, and Activities

  • DDA Commitee - 1990-1992, 2005-2007
  • DDA Vice Chair - 1992-1993
  • DDA Chair - 1993-1994
  • Brouwer Award Selection Committee - 1994
  • DDA Nominating Committee - 1997
  • DDA Secretary - 2009-2014

Professional Experience and Positions

After retiring from USNO in 2010, I helped establish and was elected president of a nonprofit organization called the Friends of Arlington's David M. Brown Planetarium. Running this organization has taught me more than I ever wanted to know about financial management, fundraising, and fiduciary responsibility! It is this experience that I would bring to the job of treasurer for the DDA.

Candidate Statement

In the years since our division's financial management has been taken over by the AAS executive office, it seems that we have lost some connection and sense of ownership of our division. While the executive office has provided excellent professional support, I would like to reinstate regular financial reports, adoption of a budget, and involvement of the division and its leadership in financial decision making. I also look forward to continuing the excellent work begun by our current treasurer to improve the planning and financial controls for our annual meetings.

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  • Has general charge of the affairs of the Division
  • Reports the activities of the Division to the Council of the Society through the Chair or Secretary,
  • Sets an enrollment fee for new members, annual dues for all members, registration fees for meetings of the Division, or any combination of such fees and dues.
  • Meets at least once each year.
Term Elected For: 2015-2017
Currently Serving:

2013-2015 Joseph Hahn, Katherine Kretke, and Marc Murison

2014-2016 Paul Chodas, Rachel Kuzio de Naray, and Matthew Tiscareno

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Fernando Roig


Professional Title/Position

Full Tenured Researcher

Degrees and Education

  • University of São Paulo, Brazil, 2001


  • National Observatory, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Research Areas, Topics, and Interests

  • Asteroid dynamics
  • Co-orbital motion

Services, Roles, and Activities

  • 2002-present: DPS Affiliate Member

Professional Experience and Positions

  • 2011-present: Full Tenured Researcher, National Observatory, Brazil
  • 2004-2010: Associate Researcher, National Observatory, Brazil
  • 2001: Visiting Scientist, SwRI, USA
  • 2013-present: Head of the Postdoc Fellowship Program, National Observatory, Brazil
  • 2009-present: Secretary of the IAU Commission 7
  • 2008-2014: Dean of the Graduate Program, National Observatory, Brazil
  • 2014: SOC Member, Small Bodies Dynamics Meeting, Brazil
  • 2013: LOC Chair, 44th DDA Meeting, Brazil
  • 2013: SOC Member, XIV Latin American IAU Regional Meeting, Brazil
  • 2009: Sponsor-Committee Member, XXVII IAU General Assembly, Brazil
  • 2007: SOC Member, COSPAR Capacity Building Workshop on Planetary Science, Uruguay
  • 2005: LOC Member, IAU Symposium 229: Asteroids, Comets, Meteors, Brazil
  • 2004, 2006, 2008, 2012: Committe Member/Chair, Spring Graduate School in Astronomy, National Observatory, Brazil
  • 2004, 2006, 2010, 2012, 2014: Committe Member/Chair, Brazilian Colloquium of Orbital Dynamics, Brazil

Candidate Statement

The DDA is one of the most important professional organizations in the field of dynamical astronomy, but it is somehow limited to the USA, which is reflected, for example, by the proportion of Americans vs. foreign associates. As a foreign member of the Committee, if elected, I hope to contribute to the strengthening of the international prominence of the Division, promoting actions aimed at the increase of non-US members, and the significant participation of researchers and students from other countries at the annual meetings. I also hope to make available my experience in organizing the DDA 2013 meeting in Paraty, as well as several other meetings in South America, to help in the organization of the Division annual meetings, as well as to create/organize graduate level short schools sponsored by the Division.

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Konstantin Batygin


Professional Title/Position

Assistant Professor

Degrees and Education

  • Caltech 2012


  • Caltech

Research Areas, Topics, and Interests

Formation and evolution of the Solar System, dynamical evolution of exoplanets, physical processes inherent to planetary interiors and atmospheres.

Services, Roles, and Activities

  • Local organizing committee (AAS/DDA) 2015 - chair

Professional Experience and Positions

  • Harvard ITC Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard Center for Astrophysics Nov. 2012 - Jun. 2014
  • Postdoctoral Fellow, Observatoire de la Cote d’Azur, Nice, France Jul. 2012 - Nov. 2012
  • Graduate Research Assistant/Teaching Assistant, Caltech Sep. 2008 - Jun. 2012
  • Visiting Scientist, Observatoire de la Cote d’Azur, Nice, France Feb. 2011 - Mar. 2011
  • Research Assistant, UCO/Lick Observatory Mar. 2006 - Sep. 2008
  • Supplemental Instructor, University of California, Santa Cruz Mar. 2006 - Jun. 2006
  • Research Assistant, NASA Ames Research Center Jul. 2005 - Jan. 2006
  • Referee for ApJ, ApJL, AJ, A&A, Nature, MNRAS, CMDA, PNAS, Earth Moon and Planets, panelist and external reviewer for various NASA and NSF programs

Written Biography

Having served as the chair of the LOC for the 2015 DDA in Pasadena, it would be my pleasure to serve on the general DDA committee. If elected, I will carry out my duties as an active member for a period of 2 years.

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Christa Van Laerhoven


Professional Title/Position

Postdoctoral Fellow

Degrees and Education

  • The University of Arizona (2014)


  • University of Toronto, Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics

Research Areas, Topics, and Interests

  • orbital dynamics; exoplanets in multi-planet systems; populations of small bodies; planet migration

Candidate Statement

One of the reasons I love studying orbital dynamics is that it can touch so many astronomical problems. I always thoroughly enjoy DDA meetings, and I desire to help the DDA continue to be an engaging community that holds interesting and productive meetings. I believe that reaching out to early career scientists is an important part of maintaining the health of the DDA community. I would also like to foster public outreach opportunities, either through official division events or through assisting individual members of the division in their outreach efforts.

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Joseph Spitale


Professional Title/Position

Senior Scientist

Degrees and Education

  • University of Arizona 2001


  • Planetary Science Institute

Research Areas, Topics, and Interests

  • Planetary Rings
  • Satellite Dynamics Enceladus Plumes Asteroid Dynamics

Professional Experience and Positions

  • Cassini Participating Scientist 2012 -- present
  • Cassini Imaging Team Associate 2001 -- present
  • Chair of Local Organizing Committee DPS Annual meeting #46; Tucson AZ. 2014

Candidate Statement

I value the DDA for its relatively small size and high concentration of outstanding researchers. I believe the size of the division can manage itself: it is limited relative to other divisions by its focus, and in an absolute sense at the present time by stagnant funding levels, and of course retirements. Therefore, as a member of the DDA committee, I will work to maintain the high quality of the membership, in large part by encouraging outstanding young scientists to participate. My experience organizing the 2014 DPS meeting in Tucson will be directly applicable to a position on the DDA committee.

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Apostolos Christou


Professional Title/Position

Research Astronomer

Degrees and Education

  • Queen Mary & Westfield College, London, UK (1998)


  • Armagh Observatory, UK

Research Areas, Topics, and Interests

Solar System Dynamics:

  • asteroids & comets
  • meteor streams & dust
  • planetary satellites

Services, Roles, and Activities

  • Member of the DPS and DDA since 2001

Professional Experience and Positions

Attended DDA Meetings in 2004 (Cannes), 2006 (Halifax) and 2014 (Philadelphia)

Meeting Organisation Experience:

  • LOC Chair of the International Meteor Conference (127 participants) held in Armagh, Northern Ireland, UK in 2010
  • SOC Member of the annual European Planetary Science Congress since 2012

Candidate Statement

I chose the field of dynamical astronomy out of love for the discipline and because I was convinced of the importance of dynamics in astronomy research. In the 15 years that I have been a DDA member, I have time and again seen these beliefs vindicated. Dynamics have been key to every important breakthrough in astronomy (from dust to planetary systems to galaxy evolution, take your pick) and will no doubt continue to do so. But the machinery that makes all this happen requires constant maintenance in the form of new tools, new ideas and, most importantly, a steady flow of new practitioners.

It is easy to forget that, behind every new model and breakthrough, there are the "soft" aspects of scientific research: intra-community interaction so that all can benefit from new knowledge, the receiving of inspiration to excel in one’s profession and of inspiring others in turn. All this and more is facilitated by the infrastructure put in place by the DDA. If elected, I pledge to use the powers afforded by the Office to see that this delicate machinery is humming along as healthily as ever so that both the discipline and its practitioners attain the heights and the recognition they so richly deserve.

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Seth Jacobson


Professional Title/Position

Postdoctoral Researcher

Degrees and Education

  • University of Colorado at Boulder, 2012


  • University of Bayreuth

Research Areas, Topics, and Interests

  • Small body science: multiple body systems, rubble pile physics
  • Celestial mechanics: tidal evolution, radiative forces
  • Planet formation: terrestrial planet formation, protoplanetary disk evolution, cosmochemistry and N-body simulations

Services, Roles, and Activities

  • Postdoctoral Researcher at Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur (2013-present)
  • Graduate Researcher at University of Colorado at Boulder (2008-2012)
  • Undergraduate Researcher at Cornell University (2006-2008)
  • Undergraduate Researcher at Carnegie Institution of Washington, DC (2006)

Candidate Statement

The Division on Dynamical Astronomy is a unique division in AAS due to its breadth of content but modest size. Our topic diversity is a strength--the DDA meeting is a favorite annual meeting, but also a weakness, when potential members/attendees are attracted to more focused meetings. I would work to address this in two parts: (1) by assuring that DDA meetings are kept affordable. This is particularly relevant for attracting early career scientists to the division. (2) By encouraging the annual meeting to focus on dynamical tools that cross disciplines. Then, the meeting will deliver an extra reward to all attendees.

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