AAS 2013 Election

American Astronomical Society Election Ballot 2013 - Voting Ends on 31 January 2013 at 11:59 PM (Eastern Time Zone)


The 2013 election for AAS President, AAS Vice President, AAS Secretary, AAS Councilors, and AAS Nominating Committee is now open, and will close on 31 January 2013.

You will need your AAS member login ID (which defaults to your membership number), and your password.

You can vote for one of the two candidates for President:

  • Chris Impey, University of Arizona
  • Meg Urry, Yale University

The President will become the AAS President-Elect in June 2013.

You can vote for one of the two candidates for Vice-President:

  • Chryssa Kouveliotou, NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center
  • Nancy D. Morrison, The University of Toledo

The successful candidate will serve as Vice-President for three years.

You can vote for one of the one candidates for Secretary:

  • George F. (Fritz) Benedict, McDonald Observatory, University of Texas

The successful candidate will serve as Secretary for three years.

You can vote for three of the six candidates for Councilor:

  • Sarbani Basu, Yale University, Department of Astronomy
  • Geoffrey Clayton, Louisiana State University
  • Dawn M. Gelino, NASA Exoplanet Science Institute (NExScI), IPAC, Caltech
  • Jeff Mangum, National Radio Astronomy Observatory
  • Dara J. Norman, National Optical Astronomy Observatory
  • Nicole S. van der Bliek, National Optical Astronomy Observatory

The successful candidates will serve as Councilor for three years.

You can vote for two of the four candidates for Nominating Committee:

  • Rica Sirbaugh French, MiraCosta College
  • Massimo Marengo, Iowa State University
  • Jacob Noel-Storr, Rochester Institute of Technology
  • Virginia Trimble, University of California, Irvine

The successful candidates will serve on the Nominating Committee for three years.

Current time: Wednesday, 12 March 2025, 07:07:07 am EDT (-04:00 GMT)

Voting opened: Thursday, 13 December 2012, 12:00:00 am EST (-05:00 GMT)
Voting closed: Thursday, 31 January 2013, 11:59:59 pm EST (-05:00 GMT)

The time has passed to vote on this ballot.

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  • Presides over Council meetings;
  • Serves on the Council as President-Elect, President and Past-President;
  • Presides over the Annual Business Meeting;
  • Chairs Executive Committee;
  • Represents the AAS at official functions and before other organizations;
  • Serves when required as official spokesperson for the AAS;
  • Appoints members to various AAS committees.

Term: One (1) year as President-Elect, two (2) years as President and one (1) year as Past-President

Term Elected For: 2 years
Currently Serving: David Helfand

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Chris Impey


Professional Title/Position

University Distinguished Professor, Deputy Department Head

Degrees and Education

Ph.D.: University of Edinburgh (1981)


University of Arizona

Research Areas, Topics, and Interests

Observational cosmology, AGN, multi-wavelength surveys, low surface brightness galaxies, astrobiology, astronomy pedagogy, science literacy, popular writing

Services, Roles, and Activities

  • AAS Shapley Lecturer (1993-2003, 2012-present)
  • AAS Astronomy Education Review Editorial Board (2001-2005)
  • AAS Vice President (2003-2006)
  • AAS Executive Committee (2003-2006)
  • AAS Membership Committee (2003-2004)
  • AAS Chambliss Writing Award Committee Chair (2006)

Professional Experience and Positions

  • Deputy Department Head, Department of Astronomy, Univ of Arizona (1998-present)
  • Associate Director, NASA Arizona Space Grant (1990-1995)
  • Kitt Peak National Observatory TAC (1994-1997)
  • Hubble Space Telescope Review Panel, Chair (1994, 1998)
  • NASA Long Term Space Astrophysics Review Panel (1995)
  • Organizing Committee, IAU Colloquium 171, The Low Surface Brightness Universe (1998)
  • Organizing Committee, ASP Conference 189, Teaching Introductory Astronomy (1998)
  • Organizer, Vatican Observatory Science and Education Conference (1998)
  • NOAO Long Term Proposal TAC (1999-2000)
  • Columbia University Biosphere-2 Advisory Board (1999-2001)
  • Space Telescope Users Committee (1999-2002)
  • NSF Extragalactic Astronomy Review Panel (2000)
  • Chandra Observatory TAC, Chair (2000, 2006)
  • Spitzer Observatory TAC (2003, 2004)
  • NSF Distinguished Teaching Scholars Review Panel (2003)
  • Hubble Fellowship Selection Panel (2004)
  • University of Washington Astrobiology Program Review (2005)
  • University of Toronto Astronomy Program Evaluator (2006)
  • Scientific Steering Committee, COSMOS Collaboration (2005-2012)
  • International Executive Committee, Inspiration of Astronomical Phenomena (2005-2012)
  • Editorial Board, Encyclopedia of the Cosmos (2006-2009)
  • KPNO Director Search Committee (2006)
  • Organizing Committee, IAU Symposium 244, Dark Galaxies and Lost Baryons (2007)
  • Organizing Committee, Astrobiology: Expanding Views of Society and Self (2008)
  • Keck Observatory NASA TAC (2008-10)
  • Organizing Committee, Vatican Observatory SuperVOSS III Conference (2009)
  • Organizing Committee, Pontifical Academy “Study Week in Astrobiology” (2009)
  • Science for Monks Program, India, Cosmology Organizer and Lecturer (2008-2010)
  • Metanexus Global Network Initiative, Advisory Council (2008-2010)
  • Decadal Survey 2010, Education and Public Outreach Study Group, co-Chair (2009)
  • APS/AAPT “Using Astronomy to Teach Physics” Project Advisor (2010-present)
  • Board of Directors, Astronomical Society of the Pacific (2011-2013)
  • Cosmology and Consciousness Conference, Co-organizer, Dharamsala, India (2011)
  • Gordon Research Conference, Physics Research and Education, Advisory Panel (2011)
  • National Science Foundation, Astronomy “Portfolio Review” Committee (2011-2012)
  • The Art and Craft of Science Writing, Princeton University, Organizer (2012)
  • Communicating Science, ASP Annual Meeting, Local Organizing Committee (2012)
  • Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Awards and Publications Committees (2012)

Candidate Statement

Our profession is in robust health, with access to an unprecedented array of observational facilities, and a research enterprise making advances in areas from exoplanets to cosmology. Despite our small size as a discipline, we have great power to engage and inspire the public. However, we face stresses and challenges, in particular a limited “supply” of jobs, grants and other resources, relative to the “demand” from a growing corps of researchers. The AAS is the glue that binds us professionally. This is most visible with meetings and stewardship of journals, but equally important with efforts to promote astronomy and pure research in the national policy arena. I would be honored to serve as AAS President and help shepherd the society through turbulent waters. I can bring to the position a broad, multi-wavelength perspective as a researcher, and a commitment to education and outreach. The health of the profession needs AAS advocacy to improve career opportunities for young researchers, and to make progress in recruiting and retaining women and minorities. My participation in the Decadal Survey and the NSF Portfolio Review have given me a clear sense of the trade-offs that we will have to make to keep the profession strong.

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Meg Urry


Professional Title/Position

Professor and Chair, Department of Physics; Director, Yale Center for Astronomy & Astrophysics

Degrees and Education

Ph.D.: Johns Hopkins University (1984)


Yale University

Research Areas, Topics, and Interests

Black hole growth, galaxy evolution, blazars, high-energy astrophysics, multiwavelength surveys

Services, Roles, and Activities

  • AAS Councilor (2009-2012)
  • Council & Appointments Committee of the American Astronomical Society (2008-2011)
  • AAS Committee on Public Policy (2006-2011)
  • AAS Committee on the Status of Women in Astronomy: Chair (2000-2003); member (1998-2000), (1994-1996)
  • AAS Editor in Chief, STATUS (2000-2003); Contributing Editor (2003-present)
  • AAS Nominating Committee 1996-1998 and 2001-2004 (Chair 1997-1998);
  • AAS George van Biesbrock (2012) and Annie Jump Cannon (1990) awards

Professional Experience and Positions

  • Public Policy Committee of the American Physical Society (2011-present)
  • Astronomy Section Head, American Association for the Advancement of Science (2010-2012)
  • American Association of Universities, NASA Presidential Working Group (2007-present)
  • Science Frontier Panel Chair (“Galaxies across Cosmic Time”) for the 2010 Decadal Survey
  • Led US delegations to 2002 and 2011 International Women in Physics meetings
  • Gemini Telescopes Board Member (2008-2009)
  • Space Telescope Science Institute Committee on Diversity, 2007-2011 (Chair 2007-2009)
  • NAS/NRC Co-Chair, Committee on Astronomy and Astrophysics (2004-2007)
  • NAS/NRC Board on Physics & Astronomy (2003-2007)
  • NAS/NRC Chair, Ad Hoc Committee to Assess Progress toward the Decadal Vision in Astronomy and
  • Astrophysics [Mid-Course Review] (2004-2005)
  • NAS/NRC Space Studies Board (2000-2004); Executive Committee (2001, 2003)
  • Member of Committee on the Status of Women in Physics of the American Physical Society (2000-2002)
  • National Virtual Observatory Science Definition Team (2001)
  • NASA Space Science Advisory Committee (1997-2000)
  • NASA/SScAC Task Group on MO&DA (1998)
  • Writing for the public, on science and women in science, monthly column on CNN.com
  • Fellow of American Academy of Arts and Sciences (2008), Connecticut Academy of Science & Engineering (2007), American Women in Science (2006), American Physical Society (1999).

Candidate Statement

I am honored to be considered for this office. The AAS has been my home for over 30 years, and has worked hard to support its members. I believe science leadership has never been more important, and that the nation needs scientists and engineers more than ever. We face a growing anti-science climate and the danger that scientists could be seen not as impartial deliverers of truth but as one more special interest group. The AAS has to speak for the importance of STEM education and literacy, for the importance of scientific research and discovery, and for the benefits that ensue for the public. As a professional society, we must continue to support students and young scientists, making sure they have broad career opportunities, and we must ensure the full utilization of talent. I will try to be an effective exponent on behalf of the AAS. Thank you very much for your consideration.

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  • Serves on Council;
  • Responsible for selecting invited speakers for AAS meetings;
  • Responsible for overall scientific content of AAS meetings;
  • Two senior Vice-Presidents serve on the Executive Committee.
Term Elected For: 3 years
Currently Serving: Debra Elmegreen, Nicholas Suntzeff, Edward Churchwell, Paula Szkody

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Chryssa Kouveliotou


Professional Title/Position


Degrees and Education

Ph.D.: Technical University of Munich (1981)


NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center

Research Areas, Topics, and Interests

Gamma- and X-ray emission from High Energy transients, such as Gamma-Ray Bursts, Magnetars, Supernova Remnants, X-ray Binaries

Services, Roles, and Activities

  • HEAD Executive Committee (1994-1996)
  • AAS Council (2007-2010)
  • HEAD Chair (2008-2010)

Professional Experience and Positions

  • Chair of the Division of Astrophysics of the American Physical Society (2003)
  • Member of the Committee on Astronomy and Astrophysics (CAA) of the National Academy of Sciences (2003-2006)
  • Vice Chair of COSPAR Commission E (2010 - present)
  • US IUPAP Representative for Committee 19 (Astrophysics) (2012- present)
  • Board member of the American Association of the Variable Star Observers (AAVSO) (2011-present)

Candidate Statement

AAS is the internationally recognized representative of the US professional astrophysics communities, as well as their best and most successful advocate in the US Congress. My first AAS task was as a member of the HEAD (1994), followed by my election as a Councilor (2007), and as the HEAD Chair (2008). I filled the last two positions in my personal capacity, since my status as a civil servant does not allow me to do otherwise. Should I be elected as a Vice President, I will be happy to again do so: some of the most stimulating 'vacations' I had were during AAS and HEAD retreats.

The main task of a Vice President is organizing the AAS meetings. Since these are the only fora where our largely diverse communities are coming together to exchange scientific results, it is of the outmost importance that these meetings are well-organized, comprehensive, attractive and successful. Moreover, this is where the young astronomers come to communicate their results, establish new collaborations, and, last but by far not least, network. I consider the latter essential for the survival and continuation of our broad community, especially in these adverse fiscal times. I commit myself to bring together astronomers worldwide, link amateur and professional communities, and ensure that young astronomers are given every opportunity to be heard.

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Nancy D. Morrison


Professional Title/Position

Professor of Astronomy Emerita

Degrees and Education

Ph.D.: University of Hawaii (1975)


The University of Toledo

Research Areas, Topics, and Interests

Stellar spectroscopy, supergiant stars, stellar winds, binary stars, variable stars

Services, Roles, and Activities

  • AAS Committee on the Status of Women in Astronomy (1978-1979)
  • AAS Nominating Committee (1981-1984), Chairman (1982-1983)
  • AAS Annie J. Cannon Award Advisory Committee (2002-2005)
  • AAS Council (2008-2011)
  • AAS Committee on the Status of Women in Astronomy (2010-2013), webmaster, STATUS Associate Editor

Professional Experience and Positions

  • Astronomical Society of the Pacific Board of Directors (1985-1991), Executive Committee (1987-1991), Awards Committee (1987-1991), Chairman (1988-1991)
  • American Association for the Advancement of Science, Section D: Nominating Committee (1978-1981), Chairman (1980-1981), Section D committee (2009-2012), organized 90-minute symposium at 2012 AAAS annual meeting.

Candidate Statement

As always, it would be an honor and a privilege to further the mission of the AAS through service as an officer.

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  • Voting Member of the Executive Committee and Council;
  • Preparing and distributing the agendas and minutes of Council Meetings;
  • Official signor for the AAS;
  • Sits on AIP Governing Board (when elected);
  • Member and Secretary, USNC-IAU;
  • Collects, counts and certifies ballots for all Society elections;
  • Solicits nominations for AAS awards; and
  • Selects session chairs for meetings.
Term Elected For: 3 years
Currently Serving: George F. (Fritz) Benedict

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George F. (Fritz) Benedict


Professional Title/Position

Senior Research Scientist (Emeritus)

Degrees and Education

Ph.D.: Northwestern University (1972)


McDonald Observatory, University of Texas

Research Areas, Topics, and Interests

Astrometry, space astrometry, low mass stars, binary stars, exoplanet detection and characterization

Services, Roles, and Activities

  • AAS Secretary (2010-present)
  • AAS Division on Dynamical Astronomy, Chairman (1998-1999)
  • AAS Vice-Chairman (1997-1998)
  • AAS Member, Executive Committee (1993-1995)

Candidate Statement

I have enjoyed being your Secretary over the past two years, even more than I had anticipated. I hope that my performance has earned your continued support.

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  • Serve as part of the governing board of the AAS; and
  • Have the legal responsibility to help make all decisions to manage, direct, and control the affairs and property of the Society.
Term Elected For: 3 years
Currently Serving: Edward F. Guinan, Patricia Knezek, Robert Mathieu, Bruce Balick, Eileen D. Friel, Angela Speck, Nancy S. Brickhouse, Todd J. Henry, Steven D. Kawaler

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Sarbani Basu


Professional Title/Position


Degrees and Education

Ph.D.: Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, University of Mumbai (1993)


Yale University, Department of Astronomy

Research Areas, Topics, and Interests

Solar and stellar astrophysics using models as well as helio- and asteroseismic data from SDO and Kepler; physical processes inside stars; using seismology to test stellar evolution theory, study solar variability and the solar dynamo process; properties of exo-planet host stars with Kepler data; formation history and chemical evolution of the Galaxy.

Services, Roles, and Activities

  • AAS Member, Beatrice M. Tinsley Prize Committee (2008-present)
  • AAS Chair, Beatrice M. Tinsley Prize Committee (2010-2011)
  • AAS Member, Solar Physics Division's Nominating Committee (2004)

Professional Experience and Positions

  • National Solar Observatory Visiting Committee (2012-2013)
  • Member, Steering Committee, Kepler Asteroseismic Science Consortium (KASC) (2010 -present)
  • Committee of Visitors, Upper Atmosphere Research Section, Division of Atmospheric Sciences Section, NSF (2008)
  • Management Operations Working Groups (MOWG) of NASA's Living With a Star (LWS) program (2006-2008)
  • National Solar Observatory Users' Committee (2005-2011)
  • Steering Committee of the Solar Physics Division Summer School (2005-2008)
  • Scientific Advisory Committee, Global Oscillation Network Group (GONG) (2003-present)
  • Data Users Committee, Global Oscillation Network Group (GONG) (1999-present)

Candidate Statement

In an era of shrinking research budgets but expanding fields of research, the AAS plays a unique role in fostering public understanding and support of astronomy. In this era of increasing specialization, AAS provides a forum for astrophysicists of different flavors to communicate with each other and form a consensus opinion. My work straddles the day/night divide and bridges the interests of solar physicists and the night-time astronomers; these disciplines can learn a lot from each other but historically have not been in frequent communication.

My interest in becoming an AAS council-member is three-fold. First, I believe that the grants programs of NSF and NASA are critical to the health of our profession and I would like to work to ensure that AAS continues to support these programs. Second, I support the activist role of the AAS in highlighting the impact of astronomy on STEM education and basic research; my efforts here will be to work within the AAS to lobby for increased support for science. Finally, I wish to foster communication between our sub-disciplines and between theory and observation, and I will be active in supporting AAS meetings and programs that achieve this goal.

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Geoffrey Clayton


Professional Title/Position

Ball Family Distinguished Professor, Department of Physics & Astronomy

Degrees and Education

Ph.D.: University of Toronto (1983)


Louisiana State University

Research Areas, Topics, and Interests

Interstellar and circumstellar dust, core-collapse supernovae, R Coronae Borealis stars, white-dwarf mergers

Services, Roles, and Activities

  • AAS Associate Editor of STATUS, the newsletter of the Committee on the Status of Women in Astronomy (1988-1993)
  • AAS Committee on the Status of Women in Astronomy (1992-1995, 2006-2009, Chair 2007-2009)
  • AAS Small Research Grant Committee (2000)
  • AAS Warner/Pierce Prize Committee (2000-2001, Chair 2001)
  • AAS Chrétien International Research Grant Committee (2002-2003, Chair 2003)

Professional Experience and Positions

  • Visiting Senior Scientist, NASA Headquarters (1988-90)
  • IUE, SMEX, ADP, NOAO, HST, and SST Review Panels (1991-2012)
  • NASA Office of Space Science Policies and Processes for Peer-Reviewed Science Grants Review Panel (1995)
  • Council of the American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO) (2002-03)
  • IAU Working Group on Women in Astronomy (2010-present)
  • Editorial Board of the Journal of the AAVSO (2011-present)

Candidate Statement

In these uncertain economic times, the AAS is more important than ever. We hear a lot these days about "engines of the economy." In this era of funding cutbacks, the case must be made strongly that two of the most important economic "engines" are science education and basic research. Maintaining scientific literacy in the United States is very important. We must continue to make the point that the payoff for investments in the areas of science education and basic research is huge, and astronomy, in particular, has the ability to inspire great interest in science.

I will bring a great variety of experience with me if elected. I came to the United States as a newly minted Ph.D., and have lived and worked here ever since. I spent over a decade on soft money, and two years at NASA as a program officer before getting a tenure-track position. I've had a career-long interest in increasing diversity in astronomy and am keenly interested in assuring equal opportunity in science for everyone. However, there is a real danger that the gains we have made as a society in increasing the diversity of our membership may be lost if we enter a prolonged period with few tenure track positions available. If elected, I will work through the society to maintain and enhance the key areas of science education, basic research, and diversity.

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Dawn M. Gelino


Professional Title/Position

Staff Scientist and Science Affairs Task Lead

Degrees and Education

Ph.D.: New Mexico State University (2001)


NASA Exoplanet Science Institute (NExScI), IPAC, Caltech

Research Areas, Topics, and Interests

Exoplanets, Interacting Binaries

Services, Roles, and Activities

  • AAS Member (1997-Present)

Professional Experience and Positions

  • AAS, HEAD, and DPS attendee/presenter (1997-Present)
  • AAS and DPS exhibitor (2004-Present)
  • AAS Workshop co-organizer and panel member: "Careers 101: Career Planning Workshop for Graduate Students and Postdocs" (2012, 2013)
  • AAS Employment Committee discussion panel member: "The Astrophysics Postdoc Job Market" (2012)
  • AAS Council presenter: Successfully presented to AAS Council on behalf of the named NASA Astrophysics Fellowship programs to state our case against the AAS Employment committee proposal to move the postdoc decision deadline back to later in the year. (2009-2010)
  • NExScI Science Affairs Lead: Coordinate between NExScI, NASA's Exoplanet Exploration Program (ExEP), and the exoplanet community (2007-Present)
  • SOC/LOC chair/member for 20+ international exoplanet meetings (2007-Present)
  • NASA Keck Operations Scientist: Administer NASA's portion of time on Keck telescopes, Keck PI Data awards, Keck/IRTF Management and Operations Working Group (2007-Present)
  • NASA Sagan Exoplanet Program Scientist: Summer Workshops, Postdoctoral Fellowships, Fellows Symposia (2008-Present)

Candidate Statement

I have attended 90% of the AAS and DPS meetings since I began graduate school in 1996. My first Washington AAS meeting was overwhelming. There were so many astronomers! I quickly learned, however, that the opportunities to network at AAS meetings are invaluable. In today's difficult funding environment, this inward-looking aspect of the AAS has never been more important. Similarly, looking outward into the world of science policy, the AAS's role as a voice for our science is more critical than ever.

As coordinator of NASA's Sagan Fellowship program, I have had the opportunity to interact with graduate students and postdocs and to become sensitive to their struggles to find rewarding career paths. I have led AAS Career Planning Panels and have represented NASA's Einstein, Hubble, and Sagan Programs before the AAS Council when critical postdoctoral issues were being discussed.

As a member of the AAS Council, I would work to provide additional opportunities for networking and job placement, and to enhance family-friendly policies at our institutions. As a working scientist, I would work to ensure that the excitement of our field was conveyed to the broadest possible audience.

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Jeff Mangum


Degrees and Education

Ph.D.: University of Virginia (1990)


National Radio Astronomy Observatory

Research Areas, Topics, and Interests

Galactic and extragalactic star formation, Radio, Millimeter, and submillimeter-wave measurement calibration, Radio astronomical instrumentation, Antenna systems

Services, Roles, and Activities

  • AAS Committee on New Communications (2007-2008)

Professional Experience and Positions

  • NRAO Student and Visitor Programs Coordinator (2008-present)
  • NRAO Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program coordinator (1996-present)

Candidate Statement

The general public's fascination with our profession is our strength. Use the term "Big Bang" or "galaxy" in conversation with your non-scientist friends and they invariably know what you are talking about. But how is an understanding of the universe connected to the economic and political realities of life on Earth? Why should the general public financially support astrophysical research?

Scientists and engineers improve our lives by developing new ways for us to communicate and analyze the world around us. All of this work of discovery and development is done by people who are trained as scientists, who themselves were trained by the scientists that came before them. Astrophysicists are educators who train future generations to think like scientists.

Unfortunately, this connection between science in our everyday lives and the financial support for our profession is often lost to the politicians who provide this support. The AAS must continue to strengthen our message of science education to the general public and the politicians whom they represent. This should include resources which will help our membership effectively interact and communicate as educators. With this connection between our research endeavors and education the general public will see the value to our profession.

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Dara J. Norman


Professional Title/Position

Assistant Scientist

Degrees and Education

Ph.D.: University of Washington (1999)


National Optical Astronomy Observatory

Research Areas, Topics, and Interests

AGN, Galaxy Evolution, Gravitational Lensing

Services, Roles, and Activities

  • AAS Committee on the Status of Minorities in Astronomy (2006-2012)
  • AAS Demographics committee (2010-present)
  • AAS member (1993-present)

Professional Experience and Positions

  • Organizer for AAS special sessions: "Mentoring a New Generation of Minority Astronomers," (2009), "Mentoring Astronomers: Students to Faculty," (2010), "Strategies for Addressing Harassment and Prejudice," (2011) and "Straight Talk About an Astronomical Career: A Professional Development Session," (2012)
  • AAS representative at the AWIS AWARDS workshop on diversifying AAS candidates for scholarly awards, recommendations sent to the council
  • Co-author of an invited testimonial for the NRC on Women of Color in Astronomy
  • Principal Organizer and Co-author for the Decadal Survey white papers, "Significantly Increasing the Numbers of Minorities in Astronomy in the Next 10 Years" and "Research Science and Education: The NSF's Astronomy and Astrophysics Postdoctoral Fellowship"
  • AURA/NOAO Diversity Advocate (2009-present)
  • NSF review panel for Astronomy and Astrophysics Postdoctoral Fellowship (2009)
  • Chandra X-ray Observatory review panel (2007)
  • NASA review panel for Beyond Einstein Foundation Science (2006)
  • NSF review panel for Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) sites (2004)
  • NSF review panel for observational cosmology (2003)
  • Joint Annual Meeting of the National Society of Black Physicists and the National Society of Hispanic Physicists Program Committee co-Chair & Executive Committee member (2011)
  • DECam Workshop, Scientific Organizing Committee (2011)
  • Internal Search Committee for KPNO Director (2010)
  • National Society of Black Physicists, Co-chair ASTRO committee (2010-present)
  • NOAO Search Committee (2009)
  • Women in Astronomy, Organizing Committee (2009)
  • AURA Workforce and Diversity Committee (2009-present)
  • IAU member (2003-present)
  • National Society of Black Physicists member (1996-present)

Candidate Statement

My goals while on the council will be to insure that the AAS provides strong support of members, their teaching and research, and the community's long-term scientific goals. I will continue to work on expanding support for ALL members in their diverse career goals. In difficult budget times, support for career development of members must be a focal point of the society's activities, as well as scientific advocacy. As a member of the CSMA, I have worked towards these goals through the organization of AAS special sessions and workshops to promote diversity and mentoring. As a council member, I would advocate for more such development workshops. As a member of the AAS Demographics Committee, I have been active in identifying ways in which the society might better understand the community's workforce challenges and promote practices that better serve the membership. Examples include exploring changes to scholarly award requirements that eliminate researchers who must take career breaks, or recommendations that better support career/life balance practices. I have also been able to attend high-profile events that allowed me to discuss STEM career issues with policy makers, like support for graduate student and postdoctoral healthcare. I hope to bring my experience to the council.

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Nicole S. van der Bliek


Professional Title/Position

CTIO Director (Interim)

Degrees and Education

Ph.D.: University of Leiden (1997)


National Optical Astronomy Observatory

Research Areas, Topics, and Interests

Young stars, infrared astronomy, instrumentation

Services, Roles, and Activities

  • Member of IAU-OAD Taskforce "Astronomy for Universities and Research" (Office of Astronomy for Development, www.astronomyfordevelopment.org) (2012-present)
  • Site Director for 2002 CTIO REU program and oversight of CTIO Student Programs coordinator (2002-2012)
  • Chair of Review Committee of "La Silla Operations 2010+" (2010)
  • External reviewer Gemini-Conicyt Fund for the "Development of Astronomy and related sciences" (2010 & 2011)
  • Member of several Time Allocation Committees, both USA (2005-2006) and Chilean (2009 & 2011)

Candidate Statement

It is an honor to be nominated to serve on the AAS Council, and I look forward to being able to contribute to the AAS mission of representing and serving the US astro-community.

I became part of this community when I joined the NOAO staff twelve years ago and I joined the AAS not much later. The AAS has been a tremendous resource for me to learn about and participate in the US astro-community, and I have developed a large professional network through the AAS. These elements of the AAS are particularly important for junior members of the society and as a Councilor I would support the AAS career development activities and encourage early-career scientists to become active AAS members. This kind of support fits well with my responsibilities at NOAO, where I am actively involved in the mentoring program.

At NOAO, I enjoy the fact that we support astronomers to use the telescopes and instruments and one of my strengths is helping to facilitate (young) scientists to carry out their research and develop themselves. I choose to work at a national observatory, because I believe open access is important. Providing services for the wider astronomical community is a key function of both NOAO and the AAS and as a Councilor I will be able to bring my experience at NOAO to benefit the AAS.

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Nominating Committee

  • Nominate candidates for the positions of Officers and Councilors of the AAS for election by membership. For positions of Treasurer, Secretary, and Education Officer, the decision is made in consultation with the Executive Committee of the AAS.
Term Elected For: 3 years
Currently Serving: Susana E. Deustua (Chair), Elizabeth L. Blanton, Arne A. Henden, Terry D. Oswalt, Joan T. Schmelz, David R. Silva

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Rica Sirbaugh French


Professional Title/Position

Professor of Astronomy


MiraCosta College

Research Areas, Topics, and Interests

Star clusters, modeling stellar evolution, astronomy education and outreach, astronomy education research, faculty professional development

Services, Roles, and Activities

  • AAS Astronomy Education Board (2012-present)
  • AAS Employment Committee Panelist (2012)
  • AAS Columnist, Spark: The AAS Education Newsletter (2009-present)
  • AAS IYA 2009 Working Group for Research Experiences for Students, Teachers, and Citizen Scientists (2008-2009)
  • AAS Chambliss Award Judge (2008)
  • AAS Member (1995-present)

Professional Experience and Positions

  • Program Director for Astronomy, MiraCosta College (2004-present)
  • Coordinator, Professional Development Programs (MiraCosta College: 2011-present)
  • Coordinator, State of California Flexible Calendar Program (MiraCosta College: 2011-present)
  • Board of Directors, North County Higher Education Alliance (San Diego County: 2011-present)
  • Fellow, Collaboration of Astronomy Teaching Scholars (CAE/CATS: 2008-present)
  • Coordinator, SoCal Regional Teaching Exchange (Center for Astronomy Education [CAE]: 2010-present)
  • Member, AAPT (2001-present)
  • Member, ASP (1995-present)
  • Member, AAAS (2005-10)
  • Member, California Science Teachers' Association (2008-10)
  • Member, Council on Undergraduate Research (2007-08)

Candidate Statement

In my 17 years as a Society member, I have been simultaneously awed and proud to witness the continual succession of amazing individuals willing to devote time and effort by giving back to their Society. It's quite the humbling honor to be included amongst those ranks. Representing the AAS means maintaining a careful balance in a variety of arenas: research, education, outreach, policy, and budgets, just to sample a few. This balancing act highlights just how critical it is to maintain strong and open connections with the public - the future of astronomy. The Nominating Committee may have one of the most difficult charges of all: data-mining the Society membership for those best-suited, willing, and able to cultivate those connections at the highest levels of representation. The wealth of diversity in our membership, experiences, and interests ensures those individuals exist. It is up to the Nominating Committee to seek out the most dynamic and innovative of our neighbors and convince them that we're right: we need you to help shape the future of astronomy, "to enhance and share humanity's scientific understanding of the Universe." I always did enjoy a challenge...

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Massimo Marengo


Professional Title/Position

Assistant Professor

Degrees and Education

Ph.D.: SISSA/ISAS Trieste, Italy (2000)


Iowa State University

Research Areas, Topics, and Interests

Infrared Astronomy, Evolved Stars, Young Planetary Systems

Services, Roles, and Activities

  • NASA Review Panels: ADAP, SOFIA, Spitzer, Hubble, Solar System Origin, ADP/LTSA (2001-2012)
  • NSF-AST Review Panel (2006-2012)
  • NASA Postdoctoral Program Review Panel (2007)
  • Science Opportunity for the Warm Spitzer Mission Working Group (2007)

Candidate Statement

As a member of the AAS Nominating Committee I will work towards promoting an effective and diverse representation in the candidates for AAS office. The report of the Demographics Study Group for Astro 2010 has shown how diverse our community has become. The AAS has played an important role in supporting this diversity, which is fundamental to ensure that all parts of our society have equal chance to contribute to the progress of astronomy, and reach their full potential. This role must be protected and enhanced by ensuring that the AAS leadership will continue to be inclusive of all genders, minority status and institution type and size. This is essential to preserve the effectiveness of AAS in difficult budgetary times, when reduced public telescope time and funding will affect harder smaller institutions, the traditional hotspot for diversity. My experience in moving from a large research center (CfA) to a university setting, well connected to the local network of small colleges, gives me an important perspective on these issues. I will draw from this experience in seeking high quality and representative candidates to the AAS elections.

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Jacob Noel-Storr


Professional Title/Position

Assistant Research Professor

Degrees and Education

Ph.D.: Columbia University (2004)


Rochester Institute of Technology

Research Areas, Topics, and Interests

Astronomy Education and Outreach; Family Science Learning; Science Education Technology; Active Galactic Nuclei and Supermassive Black Holes; Radio Galaxies

Services, Roles, and Activities

  • AAS Astronomy Education Board (2004-2006)
  • AAS Ad Hoc Committee on Future Communications in Astronomy (2006-2008)
  • AAS Editor: Spark the AAS Education Newsletter

Candidate Statement

I have been an active member of the American Astronomical Society community since beginning Graduate School, and remain a regular attendee at all Society meetings. I feel close connections to both the Scientific and Educational communities within the society, and if elected to this position, would look forward to the opportunity to strengthen those ties. Through my many interactions with the AAS, both in serving on committees, and through organizing regular events at conferences, I have a good grasp on 'how things work'--valuable knowledge in helping to identify individuals who can be the best to continue to move our society forward. I am committed to doing my part to continue to drive the society in the direction of becoming a true community of colleagues, and would be dedicated to nominating great representatives of you, the astronomical community, to positions within our society.

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Virginia Trimble


Professional Title/Position

Professor of Physics & Astronomy

Degrees and Education

Ph.D.: California Institute of Technology (1968)


University of California, Irvine

Research Areas, Topics, and Interests

Structure and Evolution of Stars, Galaxies, and the Universe, and of the communities of scientists who study them

Services, Roles, and Activities

  • AAS Vice President (1997-2000)
  • Chair sequence AAS High Energy Astrophysics Division (1992-1993)
  • AAS Historical Astronomy Division chair sequence (1997-2003)
  • Various times from 1970s to present, AAS External Awards Committee, AAS Nominating Committee, AAS Education Advisory Board, AAS Panel on Astronomy and Public Policy, AAS Centennial Committee, AAS Russell Lectureship Committee, AAS International Travel Grant Committee, AAS Publications Board, AAS Annenberg Prize Committee, AAS Tinsley Prize Committee, AAS Cannon Award Committee, AAS Doggett Prize Committee, AAS Chrétien Prize Committee, others

Professional Experience and Positions

  • Adjectival editor, Astrophysical Journal (1989-1998)
  • Editor Comments on Astrophysics (1987-1997)
  • Vice President IAU (1994-2000)
  • Press of Comm. 28 (Galaxies, 1994-1997)
  • President Div. VIII (Galaxies and the Universe, 2000-2003)
  • President Div. XII (Union Wide Activities, 2000-2003)
  • Chair sequence APS Division of Astrophysics (1998-2001)
  • Chair sequence APS Forum on History of Physics (2004-08)
  • Member of APS Council & Executive Board (1997-2000)
  • American Association for the Advancement of Science, Council (for Sect L, History, 2009-2012) and Committee on Council Affairs (2010-2012)
  • Various positions in International Union of Pure and Applied Physics, Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Sigma Xi, AAPT, and other professional organizations

Candidate Statement

In principle, AAS, like most other organizations of scientists, is self-governing. This means we elect officers and council members who, one way or another, choose the executive officers who do a very large fraction of the work. But you can't vote for folks who aren't candidates, which, in turn, puts a fair amount of power in the hands of the nominating committee (yes, nominations by petition are possible, but very hard to organize!). As a result of having already held a number of elective and appointive positions in AAS and other societies, I think I know the community and those who do their fair share of the work and beyond fairly well. I am also old enough to remember the first time the AAS president was elected from between two formal candidates and so can try to be sensitive to who might be lost as a major worker for AAS if not chosen.

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